003, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3.

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003, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3.
Franchises, and main characters.


★。/|\。★Word count: 1286

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Word count: 1286.
Warnings: swearing, nothing else?

As Sam and Tara made their way to the police station, Ghostface had called them on Richie's phone contact, showing up and surprising them by attacking them and following them into a bodega, shooting three people and killing them on the spot while others ran out seeing as they were in danger. "Oh shit!" Lisa shouted, dropping her phone onto the floor in happiness with the news she had received from Sam. "What?" Everyone asked, thinking something bad was happening. "Nothing, nothing. It's fine, I'm all good." Lisa waved them off, a smile on her face as she picked up her phone off the floor and reread the message that was in the screen.

"What's going on? You got someone you're messaging? A boy!" Mindy asked, looking over to see her best friend squeal in happiness with a huge smile on her face. "No, Kirby's back! My sister's here in New York!" Lisa squealed out, getting out of her seat to jump around in excitement. Now, Kirby and Lisa knew they weren't related but after the 2011 massacre they sure as hell felt like it. They didn't much much in common expect for both being blonde, feeling like they were related, and both having a interest in the Ghostface massacres.

"Really?" Mindy asked, looking away from the tv as it was playing a random tv show since they were all still waiting on Sam and Tara, seeing as they went back to their own dorms for the night and still haven't heard from either Tara or Sam that day. "Yeah, Sam said their coming home now." Lisa informed, happy to see Kirby again since she practically had no one that was family to her anymore, only having her friends, Gale and the older blonde woman, who was now an FBI agent.

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

It was a new day, everyone decided to meet near a park at Blackmore college since Mindy said she wanted to talk to them. "Okay, nerds! Listen up!" Mindy clapped her hands, getting the attention of everyone who sat on a bench as she was the only one who was standing out of her friend group. "As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time." Mindy announced, as Lisa placed her messages bag in the floor in front of her as she looked up at Mindy from where she sat, which was next to Ethan's left and Tara's right. "It's fine. Okay. The way I see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel." Mindy stated, using her hands while speaking.

"Um, what's a requel?" Anika asked, putting her hand up to not interrupt her lover even if she was so confused. "You're beautiful, sweetie. Let's hold questions to the end." Mindy established, pointing at her girlfriend, who smiled at her from the compliment. "Stab 1 took place in WoodsBoro." Sam pointed out, tilting her head to the side as it was an obvious fact. "Stab 2 took place in college." Lisa told everyone, leaning back so her back hit the rest so it didn't hurt from leaning forward so much.

"So, we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?" Tara asked, seeing as how it was like that both with Richie and Amber. "That is one possibly. Heroes now in college? Check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect list and, or body count?" Mindy questioned, her hands and her head pouting to Ethan, Quinn and Anika, which she did not mean to do. "Check, check and check." Mindy informed, pointing to each person before moving on. "I don't like this." Ethan mumbled, shaking his head.

"It gets worse, trust me." Lisa giggled to him, a small smile on her face as she looked back at him before glancing over at Mindy. "But it can't just be about Stab 2." Mindy told everyone, as Tara looked confused because she truly was, same with nearly everyone else there. "Why not?" Tara questioned, not understanding what Mindy was hinting at. "It would make sense if this is just a sequel. But we're not in a sequel, because nobody just makes sequel's anymore. We're in a franchise!" Mindy exclaimed, her arms being out to make her point known.

"And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise." Mindy stated, nearly yelling it as many heads moved forward or backwards in annoyance. "I had a feeling." Sam mumbled, under her breath but it was still heard which made Lisa laugh a little. "Rule one, everything is bigger than last time. Bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count. Longer chases, shoot outs, beheadings." Mindy listed, moving her arms like it was a dance move but she was just really excited because she loved horror movies and all the rules.

"You got to top what came before to keep people coming back." Lisa added on, knowing her stuff as well because she still loved everything about the Stab movies but she focused more in why they did what they did, and the timeline of it all. "Beheadings?" Chad asked, writing stuff down to not forget because he didn't want to die again that year. "Beheadings. Rule two! Whatever happened last time, expect the opposite." Mindy confirmed, still using her hands to get her point across, if she didn't she usually played with her rings which were in her fingers. "Franchises only survive by subverting expectations." Mindy moved on, going into a new subject.

"If the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with Letterboxd accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be true here." Mindy went on, as Ethan lowered his head since his older brother died last year due to Sam, which none of them knew since Ethan didn't look anything like Richie. "And rule three, no one is safe! Legacy characters? Cannon fodder at this point." Lisa pointed out, stretching out her limbs as she got up to join Mindy, like she did last year which gave her some déjà vu.

"Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bud for nostalgia." Lisa explained, as she joined Mindy in front of everyone. "It's not looking too good for Gale and Kirby. Oh, and that's not even the worst part!" Mindy exclaimed, looking at everyone in the eyes to make sure that they knew Mindy was trying to figure out who the killer was this time. "Wow, thanks Mindy, that's so good to know." Lisa told her sarcastically, not wanting Kirby or Gale dead because they were family. "This is the part, where she tells us the worst part." Chad motioned to his sister with his pencil.

"The worst part is franchises are just continuing episodic instalments designed to boost an IP. Which means main characters are completely expendable now, too." Mindy announced, this part catching Sam and Tara's attention because they wanted to make sure no one in their group was killed this time. "Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Ellen Ripley, Sally Hardesty, Jigsaw, Tony Stark, James Bond. I mean, even Luke Skywalker died so their franchises could live on." Lisa concluded, listing off main characters from movies that had all died so then their movies could go on.

"That means it's not just the friend group, any of us could go at any time. Especially Sam, Tara and Lisa." Mindy dragged out the last part, not wanting to say it as the three girls all looked at each other.

Author note:
Updated the last chapter because I realised the gif's were two different ones!

★。\|/。★Author note:Updated the last chapter because I realised the gif's were two different ones!★。/|\。★

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