The All Spark

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Sam, Mikaela, me and two other people got brought to an outpost in a helicopter. Sam and Mikaela were in one, while I was in another. "So..." "What'd they get you for?" The other woman asked. "Uh, my sister and I brought a car...turned to be an alien robot. Who knew."

We landed and got out off the helicopter and went to Simmons. "Hey kids. I think we got off to a bad start. Huh? You must be hungry? You want a latte? HoHo? Double venti macciato?" "Where is my car?" I asked. Another agent approached us. "You two, I need you to listen to me very carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything you know. "Okay, but first I'll take my car, my parents. Maybe you should write that down." "Oh, and her juvie record. That's got to be gone. Like forever." Sam added to my statement. "Come with me. We'll talk about your car." "Thank you" Mikaela said to Sam. "These two are extortionist" I heard Simmons mutter and I looked at him proud. "We know that" I smirked. A few soldiers also showed up, and we all went into the building. On the way, I got friends with Epps and Lennox.

"All right, here is the situation. You've all had direct contact with the NEBs." "NEBs?" Epps asked him. "Non-biological Extraterrestrials. Try and keep up with the acronyms. What you're about to see is totally classified." "Dear God. What is this?"Epps asked after we entered a huge room with a robot. Megatron. " We think when he made his approach over the North Pole, our gravitational field screwed up his telemetry. He crashed in the ice, probably a few thousand years ago. We shipped him here to this facility in 1934...." with that I stopped listening. I was at the back, so I turned to look if anyone was watching me and slowly walked backwards. I turned around and left the room quietly. It may be important what he was saying, but my priority was to find Bee. I walked around probably for 10 minutes till I heard whining from a robot and instant knew it was Bee. I ran to the room and saw a few men spray him with gas that is supposed to stun him. I ran up to them and looked ta them in horror. I looked to my left and saw a guy with a weapon. I took the weapon from him and pointed it at the people with the gas. "Stop it now!" I yelled, and a few turned around to me." "Hey, Lady but the gun down." One of them said, but I wouldn't dream of it. "I said stop it." they looked at each other and then back at me. I didn't look like it, but I was furious. I saw Bee looking at me with pain and sadness in his face. I walked closer to the man and pointed the weapon at his head. "I give you 5 seconds to tell your men to stop and put the gas weapons down." "Woah woah woah" I heard behind me and saw Sam, Mikaela, the soldiers, Simmons and that other agent. "Y/n what are you doing here? Where were you?" Sam asked, but when he saw what the people were doing with Bee his mood changed, and he told them to stop. The Agent now also told them to stop. When they stopped, Bee pointed his weapons at the others in a defense way and a masked appeared on his face. I went over to him and Sam told him something bout the cube and deceptions are coming. When Bee final stood on his legs, I hugged his right leg and looked up at him. He also looked down at me and pointed his weapons still at the other people. "Just back up a little bit. He is just very protective of my sister. He's friendly. He is fine." Sam said to the others in the room. "Bee come with us. We are taking you to the All Spark, I told him and smiled at him. He hesitated for a moment, but finally put his guns down. We went to another room where a really, like, really big cube was. "Oh my god." I said while looking at it. Bee approached it and put both of his hands on it. Then the Cube started to get smaller until her was so small it fit in my hands. Bee gave it to me. "Message from Star fleet, Captain----Let's get to it." Bees radio said. "He is right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hangar. Mission city is 22 miles away. We're gonna sneak that Cube out of here, and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city. "Good, right." "But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force." "This place must have some kid of radio link!" "Yes. Shortwave.CB" "Right yes." "Sure, you gotta figure out some way to get word out to them. Let's move!" "Sam! Y/n! Get in the car! Mr. Secretary! Get our birds in the air, When we get to the city, we're gonna find a radio, and I have Epps vector them in, okay? With that I got in the front, Mikaela in the back and Sam next to me.

My Spark-Bumblebee x reader (movie 1-5)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz