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march 3rd, 2020

"Are you sure you're alright with meeting my parents?" Lando asked, "I know it's a thing you usually do when you're together but I got excited." Lily chuckled as she nodded. 

"It's okay," she said smiling, "I'll wait here for you."

"You're amazing," he said as she smiled. 

"I know," she joked. "Now go pick your Mum up from the airport." Lando smiled, kissed her cheek and hurried out the door. Not even a minute after he left, her phone buzzed. She looked down and her eyes went wide.

Kit 🤝🏻

Mom told me you never want to see me again? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I did.

Lily's heart dropped as she pressed the call button and Kit answered straight away.

"Are you okay? You're out of hospital?" Lily asked.

"Out of hospital?" Kit asked confused. "I was never in hospital. Mum told me you told her that you never wanted to speak to me again."

"What?" Lily asked. "She told me you were in hospital with covid and I was going to fly home to see you and she told me not to bother."

"What the fuck?" Kit asked. "She lied to us!"

"I'm done with her," Lily said, her blood boiling. "I'll call you back. Stay safe okay?"

"I will," Kit said, "love you."

"Love you too," Juliet said before she hung up. She went onto her mum's contact and pressed the call button. 

"Lily, hey," Olivia said, "now's not a good time. Your brother is really ill and. . . ."

"Oh is he?" Lily snapped, "then how come I've just spoken to him and he told me that you said I never wanted to see him again?" Olivia was silent. "How could you?!"

"She's honestly the sweetest girl I've ever met Mum," Lando said as he and his parents pulled up into the driveway. "She's everything I've wanted." 

"She sounds wonderful," Adam said smiling as they got out the car.

"Honestly, we're excited to meet her," Cisca said grinning as they walked up to the apartment.

"She just had this warm, loving thing about her," Lando said, getting the keys from his pocket. He unlocked the front door. "She never loses her temper no matter what. . . ."

". . . .scomment as-tu pu me mentir à propos de mon frère?"   (. . . .how could you lie to me about my brother?)

They heard Lily yelling from the bedroom as Lando looked at his parents.

"That's a first," he said.

"Tu ne t'es jamais soucié de moi ou de Kit ! Tu t'en fichais quand papa est mort, n'est-ce pas ? Vous venez de nous dire de nous en remettre ! Tu n'étais pas là quand Kit a été victime d'intimidation, tu n'étais pas là quand j'ai essayé de mourir ! Tu ne t'es jamais soucié de moi, et j'avais besoin de ma mère ! Mais j'en ai fini avec toi, ne me contacte plus jamais. Je ne veux pas entendre parler de toi." (You never cared about me or Kit! You didn't care when dad died, did you? You just told us to get over it! You weren't there when Kit was bullied, you weren't there when I tried to die! You never cared about me, and I needed my mother! But I'm done with you, never contact me again. I don't want to hear about you.)

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