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You wake up to find yourself still tangled in Draco's embrace. It's warm  and comforting, you don't want to leave. You don't want to leave but it's wrong to allow this to happen this way. You and Draco have been dancing around a conversation for weeks and it feels wrong that he doesn't know how you truly feel, what this embrace truly means to you

You carefully untangle yourself from Draco, making sure not to wake him. You collect your muddy clothes and quietly exit the room, you didn't look at Draco once.

Once Draco heard the door shut he sat up with a pained expression on his face. How could you just leave him like that, he thought you two felt the same about each other. His sadness turned to anger as he threw a pillow off the bed and broke a lamp.  His anger turned back into sadness as he realized it was your pillow...

You make it to your room and get dressed for the day. You smile to yourself remembering the feeling of being in Draco's arms. You've decided that today is the day you will talk to Draco about your feelings

You head down to the great hall for breakfast. You go to take your usual seat next to Draco but he tells Theo to switch with him

"What? In the 7 years we've been at Hogwarts you have never not sat by y/n" Theo says confused

Draco gives Theo a death glare

"Switch" he says sternly

Theo gets up and Draco scoots over. You sit down next to Theo extremely confused. You try to eat breakfast but you're too distracted. You keep looking over to Draco but he hasn't looked up from his plate once. You attempt to make conversation but he pretends to not hear you

Draco rushes out of the hall as soon as breakfast is over. You quickly rush after him

"Draco" you call out to him

Draco ignores you and keeps walking

"Draco!" you say louder, finally catching up to him

"Y/n" he says slowing down slightly

"Can you stop walking please" you say mildly out of breath

Draco comes to a sudden halt and he turns to you

"What" he says coldly

"What's wrong with you today, did something happen? Are the nightmares bad again?" you reach out to touch Draco's arms but he pulls away from you

"I don't have a problem. Not one I want to share with you"

Ouch. His words stung but you decided to brush them off and continue

"I uhm, I was just wondering if I could have a talk with you later. It's kind of important" you say giving him a small smile

"I'm busy" he says plainly

"Oh" you say unsure of how to respond

Draco has never acted this way with you, he's always made time for you...what happened?

"Yeah, big game against Gryffindor. Don't expect me to be around much" he says not looking at you

" yeah I get it, it's a really important game" you say fiddling with your hands

"Are we done here?"

"Yeah" you say merely louder than a whisper

Draco walks off without a goodbye or a second glance. You feel as if your heart has been hit by a bludger

You go about your day in a limbo, your body is doing  its everyday tasks but your mind is solely focused on what to say to Draco. You decide that you will try and talk to him again later today, maybe he'll be more calm by then

Third Times A Charm (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ