Chapter 1 '327'

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[Whilst the original Chainsaw Man book isn't up yet (It will be back, FYI) I decided to have a little fun with one of my favourite characters, and my waifu, in all of anime. MOMMY MAKIMA! And what better than just regular Makima? Yandere Makima! But this Yandere book is gonna be a little different compared to the ones I had in the past. It's gonna be a little more realistic, whilst still being fun. It's an idea I've wanted to do for a while and I hope it hits! Nevertheless, thank you all for checking it out, I hope you enjoy! If it does well, I'll keep more coming!]

[Your POV]

...January 25th, 2003. A random date within a random year. It wasn't anything special. But for me, this day stood out for one reason alone. Because today, I'll be taking the first step into my new life. And not just because I'm moving to the vast landscape of Japan, but for a whole lot of other reasons as well. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), a twenty-something single male on the move from my home for the first time ever. Then again, I'm not really surprised. I had always been fascinated with the country of Japan, my parents could give enough explanations for such. 

Whether it be sitting up all night watching Anime, studying the language during High-school, or the vast amount of Japanese girls I'd bring back and introduce to them. It was safe to say that I definitely loved the culture of the whole place. So when I told my parents I was moving out here, they were, of course, a little nervous for my well-being. Little did they know that the nervous feeling they felt inside was about to get a whole lot bigger when I told them my goal in Japan was to join a Government Organisation called Public Safety. I had first heard about it when I was seventeen, doing a report on Japan's Government prowess for a school project. 

When I heard this particular organisation went out to combat demons, something we didn't really have much of at home, I was shocked. Even so, I felt drawn to it. When my parents found out I was going to Japan to do such, fighting demons, they immediately refused for me to go. They begged me to stay home, to find a girl from my own culture. Unfortunately, I knew I couldn't stay home anymore. Eventually, after a lot of explaining, and begging for my mother to let me go...And the repeated promise that I'd come home for every Holiday I got...My parents finally let me go. 

Now, as I step off the plane in my new home, I can't help but struggle to believe that I'm actually here. Nonetheless, working in a profession that I have been wanting to be a part of ever since I first heard about it. Of course, not just anyone could join Public Safety, so every day for years I trained my body, and my mind, in order to combat these vicious creatures. I remember when the scouts from Japan flew to my country to pick out one person to come over to Japan and work for their country as a sort of... training program, I was beyond nervous. Nevertheless, I passed the test with flying colours and was chosen out of my group to take up this program. 

I felt so good it was like I was high. Of course, I wasn't. But this feeling I felt was definitely close to it, and nothing was gonna take it away. Even as I stumbled about through the packed airport looking to find the exit, I couldn't stop smiling. Thankfully I soon found the exit, got into a Taxi, and was soon on my way through to the place I would now call home...Tokyo! With its crowded streets and bright billboards, I came to realize this new lifestyle would definitely be something I'd need to get used to. But I couldn't help but be anticipated for what came next...

--January 22nd: 3 Days before Day One--

The loud sound of the taxi door slamming behind me was what originally broke me out of my trance. I was so perplexed by the bright billboards of Tokyo's busiest district that I barely realized when the taxi arrived at the place I'd be staying at whilst in Japan. It wasn't much. It was a large apartment building with about seventeen floors. It definitely didn't look special on the outside, with the light blue paint once supreme now peeling away. Though, I could care less. 

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