Chapter 23 'Demon And Divison'

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[Alright, so a bit went down since the last chapter. My mojo for writing has been down lately, but the last chapter actually did pretty well, and that always boosts self-esteem. We had the original heckler who called this book 'straight up porn' back again, but that was a funny laugh so it wasn't too bad. Nevertheless, I'm just glad I can continue this story. I actually had a few people ask for updates, but instead of just asking they showed how much they liked this story and that really connected with me, and made me want to write this one sooner. So this goes out to all you guys! Whether you've been here from the beginning, just come in, comment every chapter, vote every chapter, or just here to read, you all mean a lot to me and I hope I can show that through the stories I have to tell~]

[Your POV]

When I first came to Japan, my sole purpose was to live in the country I've been inspired by ever since I was young. There I could get a job. Maybe get a girlfriend. And just find some happiness for myself. But never once in that time did I expect that maybe there was a reason why I was meant to be in Japan. Like, the universe needed me here for something. The first time that thought came into my head was when Makima first opened up to me. When she told me about how lonely she was, and how she felt used by everyone in her life. 

When she told me about her struggles, I genuinely wanted to help her. Because I felt in a way that I related to her in some regard. And, well, I'm glad I did...Because now she's one of the most important people in my life. However, from that point on, the thought of being in Japan for a reason never came back...Until now. Until I found myself standing in the hallway of Public Safety, right next to the vending machines, where a goofball of a human-like Denji speaks his story to me. 

He told me everything. From the fact, his Father died when he was young. That he was placed in the care of the Yakuza, who just ended up wanting to kill him to the Zombie Devil. He even told me about his only friend, a Chainsaw Dog by the name of Pochita. Honestly, the more Denji told me, the more similarities I saw between himself and me. Eventually, I got that same feeling inside of my spirit as I got when Makima told me her life. And when I felt it here, I only had one thing to say...

(Y/n): "...Then let me do it."

Denji: "H-Huh? Let you do what?"

(Y/n): "Let me in! Let me be the one to help you through your life! I mean, that's if you want me to. But I really do want to help!"

Denji: "Y-You want to help me? But why?" [Looks to the ground] "...Wouldn't it be a waste to help someone like me?"

As Denji said those words, he offered the ground the same look Makima did when I first offered my help to her. And honestly, when I first saw her with it, it made me question just if I was the right person for this. I mean, the emotions of people were a serious matter. But when I realized how much I cared for her, I knew I could be serious for her. And I wanted to be serious for Denji, though, of course, I did it in probably a bit more of a silly manner. Though, only because I knew Denji wasn't the same like Makima.

(Y/n): "Everyone deserves a second chance at life! And...I think that's what Pochita was trying to tell you when he gave you a second chance at life itself. He wants you to be happy. To find a purpose. To find a purpose and clutch it! SO TELL ME, DENJI! WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE!"

I could only sense the eyes now facing me due to how I shouted. But honestly, I didn't care. Because right now, as I looked at Denji, I saw a glimmer of myself. Reminding me just how I was at his age...and how I had no one to help me. So I didn't care if I seemed weird to others. As long as I could make Denji smile, I'd do anything.


Denji: "K-Know what?"


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