Chapter 17 'Dates & Airplanes'

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[WE HAVE OFFICIALLY REACHED 100K READS ON THIS BOOK PEOPLE! Probably even more by the time this chapter gets out. But nevertheless, I wanted to thank you all so much! It's the first book to do so on this new account, and to achieve such a thing rather quickly is awesome and it's a great early Christmas present! So thank you all, and I truly hope you're excited for these next two chapters! Because the ARCs are done from this point. We have a fun, filler-like chapter this week! But not filler, obviously. A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL THE WEEK OF CHRISTMAS!! And the final for PART ONE of this book after that. But for now, before we get to that, let's get onto the fun!!! Because it's date time!]


[3rd Person POV]

--5 A.M.--

The early hours of the morning. The sky was still grey as the clock ticked from '4:59' to '5:00' A.M.; a new day was upon the people of Japan. But for some, it had been this way since it struck midnight. For whereas most had fallen asleep and woken up early to start a new day at work. There were a few who never went to sleep last night. Whether that be business workers, people with deadlines, etc. Japan was a busy place. But once person who was surprisingly awake all night was Makima, at least, a part of her. It had only been a few hours since the 'mirror' side of the redhead took control of the body, with it, finally allowing her to do things she wanted to do. One such thing was sleeping with (Y/n). 

Something which she constantly degraded her other side for always doing. Though, after the amount of times she took part in the 'special' activity, it eventually led this chaotic side of Makima to question what it was like. And, well, after experiencing it...Mirror Makima guessed she couldn't make fun of her other self for always wanting it. But rest assured that this alternate side of Makima did not just take the moment lightly. For three hours. Three FULL hours, Mirror Makima spent it getting to know (Y/n)'s body. Offering him all types of pleasures that the innocent and meek version of herself would be too embarrassed and scared to do. It was fair to say that Mirror Makima felt like she was in a game with herself. 

Who could encapture (Y/n)'s heart and mind more. And after last night, she seemed to happily gather a few points in that regard. However, what surprised Mirror Makima was just how confident (Y/n) himself was in the bedroom. Despite seeming like a bumbling fool at first, someone Mirror Makima saw as no different compared to other humans. Even with what Makima herself brought up. But over time, she found herself getting more and more infatuated with the boy. Even to the point, recently, she confessed her love for him. Of course, that was just to the Eternity Devil, but even so, she felt a sour taste on her tongue the moment she said it. Even the fact that she seemed so...desperate, to have a date with him, was odd. 

To the point, she went to great lengths to persuade Makima to give her control for a day. Though, Mirror Makima simply put that down to being someone who didn't like being told 'no'. And seeing as Makima wanted nothing more than for her to stay away from 'her' (Y/n), it only caused Mirror Makima to want him more. But after last night, she began to understand why Makima was so caught up on calling him, hers. Because for the first time, in a long time, with Mirror Makima in control, she was given her own pleasures unlike any other. Sure, (Y/n) and the bland Makima had touched butts a few times. Something Mirror Makima was simply brought along for the ride without feeling any of the pleasure. 

Yet, when she was in the front seat, she realized that not only was (Y/n) skilled with his actions...He was also quite good at making Makima feel good. To the point, for the full three hours last night, Mirror Makima did something she didn't normally do...Scream in absolute pleasure. Okay! So it wasn't for the full three hours. After all, it was hard for her to scream when her throat was being used for other things...amongst even more~ Now, she lays in bed, naked, with her body pressed against (Y/n)'s own. But she was not asleep. Instead, she found herself awake, like always. But this time, she had something to occupy her mind. The face of (Y/n)...inches from her own. It was odd, the way she felt as she examined it.

Let Me In [Male Reader x Yandere Makima]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora