Chapter 14 'Dogs Eating Dogs'

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[Okay, before we start today, I just want to bring something up that was mentioned in a previous chapter recently stating that Makima is way out of character. Now, of course, the Makima we know from the Anime-(and my fav waifu, don't @ me)-is clearly VERY different from the one here. HOWEVER...For one, this is a fanfic. And I wanted to explore a deeper, personal side of Makima, one which isn't the Control Devil. Though, as we all know, the Devil is still there inside of her. I really just wanted to do something interesting instead of the plain point you could see from a Yandere Makima book. Besides, as previously stated by myself, this book will have TWO PARTS! So if you're looking for the Makima from the show, she's coming! But, please, be patient with me and wait to see the story I want to tell. Because...If I'm being honest...I'm writing this book for myself for once-(Again, fav waifu, also again, don't @ me)-sharing it with you guys is just a bonus.]

[Basically, just think of this as an origin for Makima from the anime] __________________________________________________________________________________

[3rd Person POV]

--14 Years Ago--

The sound of rain filled the air as the dark grey sky threatened to bring much more. At this point, however, it was nothing but slight spitting from the heavens above. Such a sight washed over a small village just outside Tokyo. It was within this village, in an empty alleyway parted between a few houses, that a little girl with red hair and yellow eyes with swirls in them could be seen standing before a dead cat. A look of complete shock resonated on the young Makima's eyes as she stared down at the dead creature, a noticeable scratch mark appeared on her cheek.

Young Makima: "I-I didn't mean to do it...I-I don't know what happened...I didn't want to kill it..."

"...Don't be sad...It deserved it...It hurt you..."

The events of a few moments earlier, when a six-year-old Makima could be seen walking through the streets of her little town on her way home after picking flowers from the field. This was something she did almost every day, and just like every day she would use the shortcut through the alleyway to get home sooner before her Mother knew she was missing. However, on today's venture back home she was caught off guard when the vicious hiss of a black and white cat sprung into her ears. The sound was enough to freeze Makima in place. 

The little girl couldn't do anything other than hold the flower she brought with her in her hand tightly. However, it was due to the fear she felt that her strength got the best of her, snapping the stem of the flower, causing the top half to drop to the ground. The red petals were soon covered by the dirt. The sight was enough to break the young girl's heart. She wanted to place the flower in a cup of water back at home in her room. But now, such ideas were tarnished. Even so, she went to bend over and pick it up. In doing so, her face was in the perfect position for an attack. 

Another hiss from the cat was the only warning Makima got before the animal launched toward her, scratching her face with a single swipe. The only thing she knew after that moment was the pain and shock that surged through her body before a loud scream launched from her mouth. The next thing she knew...something changed inside of her, out of nowhere chains launched from her position in the alleyway, like they were being sent from hell itself. With ease the metal appendages cut through the air, the only sound that followed was the cry of pain from the cat.

A few minutes had passed of complete silence, Makima's young boy left traumatized by the sight of the dead animal before her. But she knew she didn't do it. She didn't kill the animal. She would never hurt something so innocent. Yet, there seemed no other option as to why it happened. That was until in the corner of her mind, a door opened. Wide enough that something that was being held deep within finally was set free from its prison. It was in this very moment that the devil within was finally released from Makima's mind, and spoke to her for the first time...

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