Chapter Sette

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I wake up to an unfamiliar bed in an even unfamiliar room which I recognised as an airplane private room. I sit on the floor with my legs tucked to my chest, as my instinctual position. Whenever I was locked in confinement at the 'school' I wouldn't leave the position until I was let out, my legs would go numb and I wouldn't be able to feel them until I moved, which could be 2 weeks later.

I sit and stare at the wall when the voices start.

"There never gonna love you"

"They hate you"

"They left you"

They sent you away"

"They will never believe you"

"They will use you"

"Your a let down"

"Your a disappointment"

They slowly get louder and louder but before anything happens there is a soft knock on the door, I quickly stand up and pull open the door to be faced with my sperm donor.

" I didn't know if you were awake or not"

I just looked at him, not bothering with words or emotion, he doesn't listen anyways. He speaks again

"Well would you like to come sit out here with us?"

He looks nervous but I don't care. I roll my eyes and slam the door in his face. I don't care about any of them, not after what they did. Do they honestly think that I would still be the same girl I was? After everything? If so they are more delusional than Justin and that says something.

An announcement is made that we would be landing soon so I walk over to the chair and strap in as the seatbelt sign is turned on.


I wait for everyone else to get off the plane before I open the door and walk off. There are several cars sitting on the tarmac all in black how fitting with multiple bodyguards in front of each. They all go to their respective cars while I walk to the last one and pull a body guard out from his seat and push him towards the car with my 'brothers' and 'sperm donor' as I climb into the car closing the door. Everyone refuses to make eye contact which I roll my eyes to while putting in my airpods to zone them out.

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