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I quickly walked back to my room and headed straight for the balcony and watched the trees and lake for what felt like minutes which turned into 2 hours. I didn't even notice someone was behind me until I felt a tap on my shoulder forcing me to stand up and stare at the culprit.

Carlos stood there and signed that there was something down stairs for me. I looked at him confused and followed him as he led me out of the room to the main foyer. Everyone stood there waiting for me before Alessandro spoke.

"There is something out the front that I think belongs to you"

He said with a knowing smirk, I just looked at him puzzled before turning to the front door and walking out. My babies were parked right in the middle of the driveway and straight away I raced down the stairs too them making sure they had no scratches or dents before turning back around too where everyone was outside.

Most of them were staring with their mouths wide open while the older 3 were just standing there with blank faces. I run back inside before the whining starts as I grab the keys to my car off the hook and my backpack before running back out walking past them all as they complain.

"Is that the Ford Mustang?!"

"Where did you get that from"

"How did you have the money too buy both of those?"

Then the princess turns too Adrian.

"Daddy, why does she get that car and I don't? I want one. Please daddy can you get me one in Barbie pink please?!"

I roll my eyes, which I seem to be doing a lot of lately before listening in for Adrians reply.

"Mia we just got you a new car and you have a dozen others that you don't

even drive. Maybe wait until the next year or so to get a new one."

That is the first time I have ever heard him say no to her ever. I throw my bag into the passenger seat before starting the car and race down the driveway leaving them stunned in my rearview mirror. I go straight to Justin and Ashers new address as they should have arrived by now and even if they haven't I should go and scope the place out in terms of picking the best and biggest bedroom before Justin has the chance too.

I picked the lock before walking into the house and too my surprise Asher and Justin sat there watching the tv on the couch and not a box in sight as if they hadn't just moved in. Asher spots me first and stands up but before he can make his way over Justin jumps the couch and runs straight over too me crushing me in a hug.



He lets go and then I'm pulled into another bone crushing hug by asher where he lifts me up and spins me around before putting me back on my feet and finally letting go.

"Hey guys I missed you"

"We missed you too Liss"

I playfully shove them before jumping on the couch where they meet me stretching out across me with Justin's head on my lap and asher with my feet on his legs, watching friends. We don't talk, we just sit silently and enjoy each others company laughing occasionally when joey makes a fool of himself or when Ross was complaining about not being able to get his leather pants on.

It was peaceful until I had to leave, that's when all hell broke loose.

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