Chapter Tredici

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As I walk back to the house it's eerily quiet which is weird for their family. I walk past the kitchen and dining room seeing no one but as I approach the cinema room sounds reverberate off the walls, the door is slightly ajar and i peak through making no noise as I watch everyone of my bios sitting down laughing all curled up and cuddling together laughing at whatever movie they are watching together.

I don't know why but the scene before me makes an unwelcome feeling in my chest, I rub my chest to try and get rid of the sudden ache but it does nothing. I walk upstairs silently to my room making no noise so as to not disturb their family time. Everything is different now, my whole life has been upended and I don't know what to do.

I thought I would be able to live my life away from this place, the place filled with haunted memories, a place I am constantly paranoid and always looking over my shoulder but that has been my whole life. I was forced to join this life and now there is no going back to what was before because there was no before this is how I was raised; how I grew up.

I lay in the middle of the floor in the comfort of the room staring at the ceiling. There is a light knock on the door a few minutes later before I have a chance to speak. Carlo pops his head in looking around the room until his gaze lands on me, he silently waves then makes his way towards me before lying down beside me. I turn my head to look at him but his gaze doesn't move from the ceiling.

Carlo looks towards me before clearing his throat and then the unexpected happens. HE SPOKE

" Hi Aly-Cat"

It was soft and hoarse but I didn't care. I looked at him and the shock must have been evident on my face because he goes a little red before looking up at the ceiling again leaving me staring at him with my mouth hanging open.

"Hi Los" I felt tears sting behind my eyes but I fought the urge away and looked towards the roof again. I know I'm not close with anyone in this family but having Carlos speak is something above everything, nothing in this world could top that because I'm the reason he stopped. The guilt hits me in the chest but I ignore it before speaking again.

"I missed you Los"

He looked back at me and we said everything and more without a word leaving out lips. I scoot closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist while he does the same and I don't know how long we stayed there for but I don't care all the pain I felt before vanished as I laid in my brother's arms.

"I missed you to Aly-Cat"

That was the last thing I heard before darkness descended on me.


I woke up in my bed with Carlos still hugging my waist asleep, I didn't dare move so as to not wake him. I started at the ceiling going over everything that has happened in the last few days. I felt Carlo move but he was still asleep, he made me realise I want a relationship with my brothers.

It wasn't their fault what Henry and Amelia did, they weren't here and it isn't fair if I keep punishing them for it. I slide out from under Carlo and head out to Alessandro's room. I knock twice and wait for the door to open, Alessandro stands there in just pyjamas and it's weird for me as I haven't seen this sight of him.

"Alissa whats wrong"

His voice is deep and grougey showing he just woke up and for a minute I feel bad but before he has a chance to say anything else I hug him. He seems taken back at first but hugs me back almost immediately. He walks us backwards and closes the door with his foot leading me to his bed but not letting go of me.

He lays us down on his bed still holding me, pushing my hair back. We lay in silence as the sun comes up and he falls asleep, I don't think I stay awake. As the time slowly ticks by it gives me time to turn off my brain without having to worry about anything, I don't have to think or be paranoid because in my older brother's arms I feel as though I can just be. 

Alessandro slowly wakes up but I pretend I'm asleep, as I pick up at him I can see him grinning at me then the grins slowly turns to a smirk and before I could think he is tickling me in all the spots he knows from when I was younger and it hasn't changed. I let out a series of laughs that he laughs to as well he then gets off me and pulls me off the bed.

"Come on butterfly lets go get breakfast"

I cringe at the nickname but follow him down the stairs to the kitchen only to find everyone already there. Everyone except Carlo. Emilio is cooking at the stove while everyone is sitting at the breakfast bench or dining table. I keep quiet and sit down away from everyone else when screaming can be heard. Shit.

Everyone looks towards the stairs worried as we all stand up to go Carlo comes sprinting down the stairs to the kitchen so quickly he nearly falls. When he sees me he runs and squashes me into a hug before he speaks.

"why did you leave? Why didn't you wake me? I was so worried I thought you left again, when I woke up and you weren't there."

He speaks a mile a minute forgetting to breath.

"take a breath Los. I'm sorry I woke up early and didn't wanna disturb you, I should have left a note."

He takes a deep breath then tenses when he realised he spoke for the first time in front of everyone. He slowly turns around to see everyone's gapping faces. What a great way to start the morning.

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