PORSCHE - PETE (Can't Keep Hands Off You)

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Fuvk!! It is so hard for porsche and Pete to keep their hands off each other. Now matter how many times they try to stay to stay away from each other, they just fuvking can't.

Porsche still remember when the first time Pete and him kissed to show if he is attracted to men but no.............he is not attracted to any men but..................he is attracted to Pete.

After two months they both find themselves dating each other enjoying cooking together, seeing stars, working, going on missions and more importantly fuvking. They literally can't stop themselves more than two hours to touch each other.

Like right now porsche is sitting on the bed with his phone in his lap as he call his little brother, porchay.

"hi hia"

"hi Chay, how is your school going on?"

They talked for 10 minutes when Pete came inside and sit beside porsche as he waved at chay who waved him back and then went back to talk to porsche.

Pete sit at the angle making him not visible in the camera as he watched the shorts porsche is wearing right now while licking his lips.

As much as he wants to control himself right now he lost.......he fuvking lost and put his hands inside porsche's shorts, feeling direct naked skin as he groaned when porsche slap him on his hand but still didn't put his hand out of the shorts.

Pete rubbed his cock making porsche groan but since he is in call with his brother he just kept talking to him. Pete noticed that porsche wasn't giving much reaction making him angry as he pout and lower his hands towards porsche's ass.

He rubbed porsche's ass before directly inserting as finger inside him making porsche flinch as he was about to yell bhut controlled himself. Chay notice the stiffness in his brother he asked making porsche assure him that nothing is wrong.

"are you okay, hia?"

"yes Chay, just remembered something"

"oh....anyways, listen about my friend you know what happened with him------"

And Chay continued his talk not knowing here his brother is getting fingered by his boyfriend at fast speed. Soon Pete put two more fingers inside his ass, total three making porsche moan accidentally but seeing his brother talking in his own world he muted himself before moaning.

"fuvk! Pete! Shit...keep......fuvk...there..hnng~"

"shit! Nng~"


"I have to go now hia"

Oh yeah, they both forgot about Chay in between this, porsche unmute himself to say bye to Chay but pete didn't slowed any bit instead he started fingering porsche in fastest speed making porsche bid bye fastly as he cut the call before moaning as he came in his shorts.

"hnng~ shit!! Shit!!"

Pete took his hand out porsche as he lick his cum covered hand while his boyfriend is panting. Porsche look at pete in anger as he hover over him.

"you little shit!! I was talking to my brother, why did you do that? What if he got to know about it?"

"why? Are you afraid he will get to know about 'his dear brother' being a whore?" and this made porsche's blood boil in anger as said back.

"Nah.........but if next time you did then he will definitely get to know about you being a slut"

Porsche said before bitting his neck making Pete moan.

"ahh......shit!! Fuvk....fuvk me.....porsche"

And porsche did, without preparation he directly went inside Pete making Pete scream as he said while smirking.


"you asked for it slut"

"annng~......yeah...fuvk...give me.....fuvk me hard porsche...nng~"

"shit you.....fuvking slut for me"

"for you~"

"yeah...only mine"

"yeah........you are....... o..only my......w...whore porsche...aahh~"


And porsche know how much of a masochist Pete is beside Pete likes pain so it is nothing knew for them but for porsche, he need preparation so when they will be done. He knows that Pete will fuvk him more hard in the morning as a revenge for the rough fuvk of tonight.

Hey guys 👋. Your author here. Not completely detailed but still mature and yes, they both are switch in this.

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