Exile To Hell

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/The next Morning/

Awkward silence, that's what we woke up to as we both remembered what happened last night. "So uhh.... u meant all that last night?" she asked out of the blue "You mean.........." is say looking at her still naked body. I look up to her face seeing her nod. " Yes I did mean it when I said I loved you since we were 20 and I still do, I know this isn't the best place for a confession considering everything that happened yesterday night. But I still want to get this off my chest." I paused before speaking once again. "I love you Yasaka." I said with my face down.

She took a while to answer before finally replying. "I love you too but...." she paused again. "I cant accept." She said looking away. "Why not........." I asked dejectedly almost hoping it wouldn't be what I expected it to be. "Amaterasu-sama won't allow it since I'm the soon to be new Leader of the Yokai faction, she said 'it would ruin our reputation if I were to mingle with a rabid dog who is claimed by the worst god but necessary god of our Pantheon.' that's what she said." Responded Yasaka to my question.

"I really do love you but I just can't stay with you nor be your wife even if I wanted to do to my duties as our new leader" she said whilst tearing up, and stormed out of the door using magic to make her attire appear out of thin air. Of course I went after her doing the same to my clothing but when I saw her again she was with a very angry Amaterasu that gave me a glare like she would incinerate me.

Amaterasu had pale white skin with long Black flowing hair that reached her hips. She wore A white and red shrines maiden out fit with multiple ornaments adding to her look. Amaterasu didn't wear and shoes since she would never touch the ground due to her embodying the sun. She wore a completely golden crown on her head that symbolized her status as head of our pantheon of the Shinto faction. Ofcourse her sword and mirror weren't far from her matter of fact they were floating next to her, the sword aiming at me whilst the mirror seemed to gather sunrays ready to strike me down.

 Ofcourse her sword and mirror weren't far from her matter of fact they were floating next to her, the sword aiming at me whilst the mirror seemed to gather sunrays ready to strike me down

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Her sword now dangerously close to my head and if the legends of it to be true one single touch of it would suffice to completely incinerate a person. "Amaterasu-sama what are you doing here?" I asked whilst bowing to her. "You have tainted Yasaka with your disgusting dog stench, I should destroy your very existence." She said, her roaring like a raging inferno of flames. "I swear it will never happen again" I said with haste to save my life. But before she could strike me down Izanami appeared in front of me in a protective manner. "I would like it if you didn't kill my champion Amaterasu." She said with so much venom in her voice, as if she was ready to bite into her with her many snakes for a lower body. "He has tainted Yasaka he shall burn for his transgressions, he knows it's forbidden to lay a hand on my champions unless permitted by me." She boomed once more, the air seemingly burning by her shear magical power she was exuding. 

"whilst I agree he has to be punished for what he did, I wont allow u to kill my one and only champion I had in over 1000 years. Don't forget you still owe me one for what I did for you to that arrogant human." Izanami-sama glared at Amaterasu, who seemed to now think of a way to punish me. I was just glad I didn't have to die. "Fine." she announced, the temperature lowering back to normal. " But" she continued "He shall be exiled from Japan to the Underworld, to be specific into the north familiar forest so maybe he will die in the war that the Christian pantheon is having this moment and it doesn't seem to be ending any time soon since it just started." She said. I had hoped she would send me somewhere else like mount Everest where she could see me all the time to control that I really was obeying her Orders to stay away from Yasaka. But it seemed like she didn't even want to acknowledge me as a part of the Yokai faction anymore. And as I thought she was done she continued.

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