A new Tale

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(The last eruption of Fuji was in 1707 but in this I'll push it to the early 19th century. So 100 years later.)

Maliketh and Zev are seen stepping out of the Garganta. The tip of the volcano Fuji is what greats them, its still active lave shoots up as they touch the ground. Before exiting the Garganta, Maliketh turned himself human.

The ground begins to quake and the snow around them starts to evaporate. Maliketh casts a magic circle underneath him and Zev to protect them from the rising heat that keeps rising. Lava completely erupts from the volcanic vent. Fire starts raining from the sky but nothing seems to leave the confines of the Fuji's vent. 

From the lava a large eastern red dragon emerged. Its length rivaling the size of a three story building. It had piercing yellow eyes and a gigantic maw full of yellow teeth. Looking upon the human shaped figure beneath him, a plume of smoke leaves his nostrils as it exhaled. On the top of its head, 5 massive horns protruded giving it a sort of crown, signaling its rain over this volcano. 

"What is a mortal doing atop this sacred volcano? This place is the most sacred place to all of Kagotsuchi  followers and is the place where he first touched the earth." The dragon stated with a tone of pride in its master.

"I'm well aware that this Volcano belongs to Kagotsuchi-sama but I didn't know that he would have a dragon as a guardian." Maliketh said with a tone of curiosity to his voice, not expecting a member of the Shinto faction to own a dragon as their guardian of their most holy place. He expected to be met with a Yokai but not a dragon.

"I am a being that Kagotsuchi created. I'm more than those mortal vermin that call themselves dragons, for as long as my patron god exists I am immortal." The dragon stated with a sense of pride. 

"That I am well aware of and the reason for why I am here, the Volcano and it's surrounding lands are one of the few parts of Japan that are not under the watchful gaze of Amaterasu-sama." Maliketh told the dragon. 

"You have still transgressed onto a gods domain mortal and for that you shall pay with you life." The dragon said, before Maliketh could even say anything a torrent of fire was shot his way. The fire impacting the place creating a small crater in it's place.

"You humans that have grasped the feeling of magic think yourselves above law and order. I don't take joy from killing you but I swore to not allow any supernatural beings enter my lords territory." The dragon said to no one.

"That is quite the fire for artificial dragon." A voice came from next to the dragon. The dragon without wasting any time flung it's head around and started to shoot more fire into the direction of Maliketh. 

"I do not wish to fight you dragon!" Said Maliketh dodging more and more of the dragons fire. "You must die for entering the gods domain." Responded the dragon with a roar, with that the dragon continued it's onslaught of attacks that scorched the ground.

"If you wish for a fight I shall give it you." Said Maliketh unsheathing his sword. With the unsheathing of Zev in his sword form a burst of black flames came from Maliketh pushing the dragon back.

"So you are a follower of the outsider God Izanami. For being that evil goddesses servant I shall make your death a slow one." The dragon said and charged up a massive fire ball in it's maw. Maliketh raised his finger and charged a Cero and shot it at the dragon before the dragon could spit the fire ball.

The Cero striking true against the dragons head, pushing it back. "You will pay for that." It shouted and stuck Maliketh mid flight with its long tail. Maliketh crashing against the side of Fuji, resulting in lava leaking out and starting to burn the forest to the south.

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