New Acquittance

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After Maliketh was introduced to the Godskin Apostle the two went into the waste land that surrounded the mountain that the temple was placed inside of. Maliketh can be seen sitting in a meditative position in the middle of no where still outside of the devils territory, even then they wouldn't care since they had better things to do like fighting their invaders.

"Focus Maliketh-sama the black flame isn't something that is easy harness it takes a lot of control and belief in Izanami-sama, who has bestowed this gift upon us. Her Shinigami." Said the Apostle with a calm voice standing behind the Wolf who now has five tails, indicating his age, who was clearly struggling to keep focused. "I'm trying" Said Maliketh with an annoyed tone of voice. "I've been trying for the past hour, but I'm not doing any better than I did back then." He groaned.

"Ok we'll take a different approach then making you empty your mind and trying to draw out the flames of death. You'll still meditate but this time think of what death is to you, what makes death the unstoppable force that it is, what makes it inevitable....?" Asked the Apostle. "What is death to me......" said Maliketh more to himself then to the Apostle. He closed his eyes and began to think. What did death truly mean to him, it wasn't just the absence of life there was more to it but what that was he had to find out to himself. 'Death...' thought Maliketh this was to be honest the hardest question someone had ever asked him. 'Death is something all consuming, but it's not evil it's a part of existence just like creation is. Death is the end that all things must face there are no exceptions. Those who are Immortals think themselves above death but they are just as susceptible as the mortals are if not more. Mortals who believe in an afterlife or reincarnation have something after their deaths, so their souls cant ever truly be erased but once a god or divine being is killed their soul wont be sent anywhere. WE death gods are the ones who consume their soul so there is place for new Gods, WE are the ones who shall come for those who's time is up, WE are the end of the divine and the saviors of the Mortal, We are the judge that awaits all. WE. ARE. DEATH.' And with the final thought everything caught fire.

The Apostle is old, very old but never in his life has he seen any Shinigami under Izanami-sama evolve as fast as Maliketh-sama has right now. After only 30 Minutes of meditating with the new goal he had awakened his black flame. But something was of, it wasn't the usual color of a sickly gray flame. The flames that burst forth from The former Yokai's body where a Dark red color that bordered Black but hits of crimson where still present. One by one the Tips of Maliketh's five tails caught fire spreading and continuing down his now canine legs down to the floor. His legs were covered in his usual black fur but it seemed to be slightly charred by the black red flame.

As he opened his eyes, they were like a ranging inferno. His gaze mad the older Shinigami shudder under its intense stare. "So this is what now?" Maliketh asked expectantly. The Apostle still didn't answer. "Y-your a natural at using the black flame". The Apostle said while regaining his composure. "Well its more of a redish black for you. But I digress, I shall test your capabilities in combat so get ready for a fight." As the Apostle said this Maliketh stood up from the ground but as soon as he did he noticed that he wasn't touching the ground with is feet, but he was instead standing on solid air. "This is odd...." Said Maliketh as he examined his new found ability. He walked could walk on air! He experimented for a while and found out he could stand upside down while his feet where still connected to the solid air. (AN: just the way they are able to stand in the air in bleach)

"I see you found out our way of 'flying' ". said the Apostle now standing next to Maliketh also standing on air. "We call it air walk, it's a basicaly the equivalent to the Inate flight ability that the winged races posses. It was created so that us wingless shinigami, like us, would catch up to other. We wouldn't want people flying away from dewath now would we?" The apostle said almost like it was trying to make a joke. Which it failed at atrociously. Maliketh just stared. "I can see why that would be a problem, but how do I turn it off." Said Maliketh. "I would advise against it for now, at least until you have better controll over your powers otherwise you might kill everything that your feet touch. That includes the ground. "Why would that happen?" Asked the Yokai. "it's because of your flames, they are more potent than the other Shinigami's under Izanami-sama, your flames seem to be able to kill everything even intimate objects, ours flames cannot." Said the Apostle now a couple of meters in front of him taking out his weapon."this is my Glave the 'Godskin Peeler', now bring out your blade we shall see how well you are versed in combat, this is merly to test the waters on how your handle the strength of a Shinigami." He said while taking in a stance. "As you wish." Maliketh responded while summoning his Katana. The blade was set aflame by his black (more red'ish) flame, it sounded like a raging inferno ready to consume those who are touched by it.

The Black Wolf of Death (HIghschool DxD X Maliketh reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum