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I plaster a smile as soon as I see Hunter and Crew heading my way, Hunter giving me a nod.

"Hi!" I say happily although from the inside I feel physically drained. "How are you guys?"

"Good," Crew answers first, giving me a soft smile.

I nod and turn to Hunter, feeling hot as his eyes travel up and down my body. "Eyes up here buddy," I snap my fingers in his face earning a laugh from Crew.

"I like your outfit,"

"Thank you! I got this new jacket from this small self-business store that I found and I wanted to support them. It was kinda expensive but it has a heart with a crown on top and it reminded me of King of my Heart so I had to get it! And this long sleeve shirt I have under has a heart in the corner and it reminded me of fearless. The shorts are boring  but look at my converses. You're telling me you didn't notice the stars I dre-" I cut myself off when I realise I'm rambling about my stupid outfit.

"Anyways, there's a piece of her in the way I dress," I state happily.

"It's cute," Crew tells me, then he tells Hunter something and walks away.

"Walk?" I ask pathetically. He tries holding back his smile but it's useless because I can already see it. "Smiling won't hurt you,"

He rolls his eyes playfully as we walk down the empty street. "I really do like what you're wearing,"

If my heart could open itself up and plant that compliment directly inside, it would. "That's so nice of you to say, thank you. I really like your outfit. I think this sweatshirt really brings out your eyes,"

He nods once which I think means 'thank you' in his language. "How's your grandma?"

"She's okay, I think. I just came back from the hospital an hour ago," Talking about her fills my heart with a pain I can't express. "She won't let me do online again,"

"I'm glad, she's okay. If you ever need money Belle, I'm-"

"I don't," I cut him off, heat rushing to my cheeks, "thank you though,"

"My mums been asking about you," he randomly says.

I basically turn in front of him as I try to contain my happy jumps but I fail, "Really? I miss her, I found these flowers that reminded me of her so I sent her a picture. She said she loved it!"

"She showed me," he nods once, "she said she's going to go buy them,"

My heart bursts. "Really? That's so cutesy of her,"


I nod eagerly, "yep, cutesy,"

"When are you coming over again? Vivi is asking about you aswell,"

"I don't know. Soon hopefully. I love your family, they're amazing,"

"They love you. They say you're amazing,"

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