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"I think I'd survive if someone tried drowning me,"

"I think you would," He agrees, hand in mine as we walk down the street. He's been walking a lot with me since I don't like being in cars.

"Do you think you would?"


"Aw shucks," I deadpan. "I think I could stomp on you,"

He moves away from me, keeping his distance as walk down the street. I was just joking.

Hunter👰: Why are u frowning??

I look up at him to see him already staring at me, a small grin on his face.

Me: :(

Me: Look I can flip this frown upside down.

Me: ):

Hunter👰: Ur still sad though?

Me: I know!!! Thats why its funny 😎

He's beside me again in a second, rolling his eyes at my message. "Don't leave me on read it makes me feel like I'm not famous,"

"We can't have that considering you're one of the most famous people on earth right?"

"See you get it. If I told anyone that, they'll tell me I'm being cocky. But I'm really not,"

"They're just jealous honestly,"

"I agree. Like, you're telling me I'm not on every magazine and billboard?"

"You look like a ray of sunshine every time I see you on a billboard that's for sure,"

"I don't know bout you but I'm always a ray of sunshine," I start, stopping in front of the centre he's training the kids at. "I got a miscall from your bitch," I don't know where that came from. It's a song.

"Uh," he shifts on his feet, eyes narrowed. "Which one?"

I look at the floor and snort, "The tall brunette,"

"Be more specific please," His lips turn upward just slightly, but for some reason I don't stop.

"You're my bitch though," I sigh, "I can't believe you're cheating on me already and this relationship didn't even start. Is it because I didn't want to feed your goldfish?"

He steps toward me, one hand on my lower back and the other under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "I'm sorry you found out this way,"

A few parents walk past us. Social anxiety fears me bitches. "If I slap you right now, would you be mad?"

He presses his lips against my cheek before walking away. I yell out to him, "Is slapping you some kind of kink?"

Our friendship is totally only platonic Belle.

His middle finger is the only thing I see before he walks into the arena and a laugh bursts out of me.

Hunter👰: Walk safely Beautiful.

I debate telling him that I accidentally pushed someone into a trash can and now they're chasing me with a nerf gun but I shut that thought down real quick.

I heart his message and walk quietly home, humming the lyrics to 'I think he knows'. I feel extremely happy today.

What if I just throw myself of my balcon- yeah no.

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