Chapter Fifteen

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"Are you okay, Miss?"

A deep voice reverberates, snapping me back into reality. I looked up from my lap, only to realize that one of the staff was kneeling beside me, probably making sure I wasn't about to faint or something. I didn't register that he was a staff for a few seconds as I had focused on a deep set of eyes, eyeing me intently. Had not for his gray uniform and the green zoo logo plastered on his left chest.

"Oh, yeah. I am okay." I lied, quickly wiping my tears away.

But I guess he didn't buy my lie. He just stared at me, as if silently saying I was shameless for blatantly lying. He didn't say it, of course. It was just my guess. Yet his stare was ruthless and intense, and I couldn't help but feel vulnerable under his gaze.

"Alright, maybe not okay," I admitted and painfully cringed at myself. "But I will be. Thank you for asking."

"You're welcome." He nodded, eyes still fixated on mine. "However, I think it's fine to stop lying about being okay when you are not. You don't have to force yourself."

I could feel my eyes stung even more with fresh tears threatening to fall after hearing his words. I bit my inner cheek, trying my best to hold a sob that felt like escaping my throat.

I am most likely appearing like a mess in front of him. Yet, I didn't really care about it. I was just happy being comforted and knowing there was someone to lean on for support, even for a few seconds. Even if they are a stranger.

Suddenly, I choked out a sob, unable to keep it any longer. It feels as if the dam broke and a river of tears flows and floods my eyes.

Then, a warm sensation engulfed my body. It took me a couple of seconds to register that he had hugged me, wrapping me inside his embrace. I couldn't help but feel his muscles coiling underneath his uniform as his palm gently rubbed the back of my head.

His warmth bloomed into my skin under his touch. I was frozen as much as I was surprised. Not expecting the sudden friendly gesture from a stranger I just met a few seconds ago. I instinctively retreated a bit further, not knowing how to respond to this affection. He seemed to notice what I was doing and retracted his arms.

"Sorry, it's out of habit." He apologized, and quickly changed the topic. "Here, use this instead of your sleeve."

He put a piece of cloth in my open palm without touching me. The material was soft and smooth, like a high-quality fabric. I realized it was a handkerchief.

Who the heck carries a handkerchief in these days and era? I thought to myself. But I didn't say it out loud. He was trying to be kind, how could I comment on that?

"Oh, thank you,"  I respond, trying to keep a level voice after the shock of his previous gesture of affection.

Then, My thumb brushed over a small embroidery in the corner of the handkerchief.


"Mr. Wolf?" I blurted before I can't stop myself.


"Oh, I am sorry. I was just reading the word out loud." I explained myself as I pointed at the handkerchief.

I glanced back at the beautiful embroidery, and couldn't help but ask stupid question to fill in the awkward silence.

"You mean like the animal Wolf?" I croaked out, realizing my voice was getting a toll on me with how much I had been crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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