chapter nine

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Entering her room, Tala slammed the door shut before jumping on her bed, groaning at the comfort it brought her.

After sleeping on a no-good cot for two days it can mess with your back a lot.
Sighing as she moved her head to the window, getting a perfect view of the Isle. Slowly getting up, she walked over to the glass. Putting her palm on it, she could only think of one person.

The door then opened, her cousins piling in. "Hey, you're back!" Adam smiled at her. "Where did you run off too?"

"I just... had a really wild adventure.
Tala replied somberly. The trio stared at her, raising a brow in suspicion.

"Ok... you're acting more sane than usual. Did something happen?" Adam asked, calling her out on her attitude change. Tala snorted, turning to look at him.

"Me? Sane? Never." She chuckled before going to her closet. "What do you want?"

Mose threw himself on her bed making himself comfortable. "I'm staying here."
He spoke in his native language. "Me too," Adam added flopping on the couch.

"And I'm taking you to this boat thing." Tavita smiled, his white teeth showing. Showing her a plastic bag with his suit inside.

Tala smiled softly at them before letting out a laugh. "Fine, get ready. I'm taking the bathroom and don't touch anything or I'll cut your fingers off." She threatened, closing the door behind her.

It took Tala precisely an hour to get ready for Cotillion. She walked outside the bathroom and stood nervously in the middle of her room. Waiting for her cousin's reaction.


Adam and Tavita both stared at her in awe as Mose smiled at her softly. "You look beautiful, kid." He commented.

"You look amazing!"

"You look like a real princess, cousin. With those cool gold thing on."

Adam and Tavita complimented her, Tala laughs and shakes her head. Tavita wore a white tux with a blue tie. Matching the royal colors.


Walking on the blue carpet, she was shocked to see reporters asking her questions.

"Tala you look gorgeous!"

"Tala! Is it true that your a Chief and the royal guard at the same time? If so how do you do it?"

"Who is this handsome man?"

"Thank you! I'm her lovely cousin and I'm single." Tavita shouted with a cheeky smile. Standing beside Tala as they smiled at the cameras before they continued walking.

Going down the stairs of the yacht, where Cotillion was hosted, her eyes scanned the venue before they landed on Jay and Evie.
Reaching the bottom with Tavita's help, they quickly passed through people to get to her friends.

"Hey guys!" She said, grabbing their attention.

"Woah you look so gorgeous!" Evie
immediately said, making Tala snort.

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