16. Sour endings

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♡Arhaan's pov♡

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♡Arhaan's pov♡

You know the best days of life are not always the ones which are filled with adventure and excitement or grand thrilling triumph.
They best parts are often the ones filled with sweet, little moments. Little moments which are often overlooked.

The pleasure I am getting rightnow is greater than any happiness in the world.

My feets are tangled with Inayah's , her head on my chest, her hands tightly holding my waist.

My heart burns. Fucking burns because of the love that I am currently feeling.

This perfect slow morning and unrushed felling of love is something that I would crave for an eternity.  Cherish forever.
Our room is completely messed up with a broken bed and feathers scattered everywhere.

Trust me, I still can't believe how I got this lucky to share this moment with her.

For somtime my heart feels full, I know it's a big statement to claim but like seriously she is fixing some of my lost parts without even realising or trying.

I don't know how else to explain this but the world feels possible again with her.

But like all moments gets broken to form into a beautiful memory, this quick sweet moment came to an end , due to buzzing alarm next to us.

I hear her soft groan and I literally had to bite my tongue the moment she cluched my tshirt a little tighter.

God she can be sweet sometimes.

Nuzzling a little more, a cute pout forms on her lips.

And I swear I am physically holding my self back, to not kiss that adorable pout of her face.

Like I said she makes my heart burn.

A fucking witch. Her control over me still doesn't get any less even in her sleep.

Snoozing the alarm, I hold her a little tighter.

I guess the rituals can wait for another 15 minutes.


Something you should know about me is that when I am mad at someone, I usually try to stay calm and silent, because if I speak my mind, shit is gonna get real.

My dear father is definitely craving that I put a bullet through his fucking head, because the shit he is doing in my absence screams that.

I am currently sitting outside, because of one of the business deals I had to attend. Inayah is in the room getting ready.

I also ordered a new bed, because we broke the previous one yesterday, it will be arriving soon.

I call one of my most trusted men after Kabir.

"Hello boss, I just sent you the list of people."

"hmm, I'll check that, but also add Anand's name to that"

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