27.Glimmers of past

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♡Iayah's pov♡

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♡Iayah's pov♡

After the whole confronting Arhaan session, I sit on one of the chairs in his office. Arhaan is busy talking to his clients and I’m getting super bored.

The loud conversation suddenly stops as soon as I sit on the chair.

As I look, I see all Arhaan’s clients looking at me with a horrified expression on their face.

What the heck?

Did I do something?

I look at Arhaan, seeing him walking towards me probably because of my cofused state.

“Why is everyone staring at us like that” I whisper to him, getting a little conscious about myself.

Arhaan glances back at them as all of their stares lowers down.

Looking back at me, he walks a little closer.

“You are the first one who has dared to sit on my seat and it’s the first time I’ve let someone sit on it that to a girl”

Heat surges in my body, igniting every fibre of my being.

Those words made me felt something I’ve never felt before and I’m scared, so afraid of the fact that these words felt like a caress to the unnoticed wounds.

These words opened those wounds, gashing them again and spreading the pain which is boundless. The pain which comes in disguise, its sweet at the beginning but I know its gospel truth. Like all pain it’ll hurt.

I know what he is doing, playing with words like he always does.

Done that, been there.

“Oh really? I didn’t saw your name written there." so I reply back to him, with the same normal slant pretending that his words didn’t affected me.

And they didn’t. Not in a slightest way possible.

Coming back from whatever daze he was in, his infamous smirk makes its way on his face.

Like I said, Arhaan has many facades. And he is too good to know when to show which one.

“Oh but it is my chair, it’s my office. I don’t need my name written on it. but yeah you can seat here I guess.”

Well now I’m definetly not sitting on this seat.


Sitting in the car waiting for Arhaan to finish his meeting.

I scroll through my messages and click on Avni’s profile, I haven’t talked to her since wedding which was 2 months ago.

2 whole frickin months! Didn’t know how I managed to survive Arhaan that long.

I think again before messaging her, should I really do this. I mean I know she will be angry because I didn’t picked up her calls and I’m not in mood for any more confrontations but it's better that I sort this out.

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