21. Veil of darkness

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Trigger warning: mention of violence, blood and gore

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Trigger warning: mention of violence, blood and gore.

♡Arhaan's pov ♡

In the world of pain and suffering there is no escape, for torment finds a way to follow you beyond the confines of nightmare. And within a realm of nightmares, the concept of mercy shrivels and dies, leaving only torment as it sole companion.

Sighing I cross my legs, bending a little to take the support of the chair I have been sitting on for the past 20 minutes.

My patience have been dangling on a thin line, so if this fucker doesn't start speaking soon I can guarantee he won't be seeing the light of the day again.

"Money makes the world go round, and you own me a ton of it. So I expect you to pay up. or else, things could get.....messy." I look around to see the sight of blood spattered around him.

The sight which I enjoyed creating.

When we came back from the carnival, I got a call from kabir telling me about how this random guy haven't returned our money. If it had been something like 1 million or something I would've ignored and let my other mafia members deal with it, but then I found that its 1 fucking billion.

And I've build this fucking empire from the ground up, and I intend to protect it at all costs. That means eliminating any threats, including those business men's who dare to double-cross me and steal my fucking shit.

I have done enough torture with my various sinister tools on him to get the information out about that there is this businessmen who took my money, but this skumbag have thick skin.

He is still not ready to tell his name.

We'll see about that.

"You ain't going to talk, huh? Well, let me tell you something; silence can be bought, one way or another. You just have to decide if you're willing to pay the price"

I see a pair of ominously twisted pliers on the table beside me. I silently taunt the minds of the souls who have felt their grip tighten on flesh and bones, on excruciating twist at a time.

A smirk crosses my features remembering their screams, their pleas for help when I stood their watching them die.

The death they all fucking deserved.

Slowly standing from my siting position, I walk towards them and slowly pick it up.

Observing its sharpness with the tip of my fingers, like one carefully observers a diamond at a diamond shop.

The slight poke, drawing blood out from my fingers states that this is the perfect item for him.

Folding the sleeves of my shirt I bend down to his level, making sure not to stain my suit with his worthless blood.
Picking up the chain wrapped around his neck, I harshly pull it causing his head to bend backwards giving me a better view of his face.

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