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Rain pov.

"What are you doing here." I nervously asked, slowly I began to take small steps backwards towards the bed. This crazy Orc women. I can't ever seem to catch a break from her.
"We are here to bring you back to Xorim. Don't be scared rain, they won't hurt you." She calmly said with a sinister smile
"We won't we promise." One of the blue Orcs said giving me a reassuring smile.
I've never seen these kind of orcs before, their legs are muscular with veins popping out from all over. Even their hair is a different color. Bones and teeth were tied in their hair like some sort of decoration.  These must be the caves orcs Xorim were talking about, but why would he send them here instead of coming to get me hisself. I may not know him well as her, but I know he would never send the enemy to get me that doesn't even make since.  Their plotting agasint Xorim. I just know it. What I don't understand is why would she do that to him? He's let her live after doing unspeakable things to me, you would think she would stop there. The only thing I can do now is stay as calm as possible.

"Really that's a relief I've been waiting all day to get out of this hole. I've been feeling pretty suffocated." I confidently said. She gave me a weird look, but I quickly flashed her a smile.
I have to get out on land and try to make a break for it, if I play along now it may work out in my favor.

"Yes, we'll make sure you get back safely." Enus said extending her hand out for me to take.
Nervously I grabbed her hand and she yanked me towards her, smelling me just like she did the one night.
She rolled her eyes to the back of her head and bit her lip angrily. "You must have been a treat for him." She said gritting her teeth. The cave orc's followed in her doing, and took a big whiff of me both smiling at each other.
I can feel gosh bumps rising all over my body as they continue to sniff me. I'm keeping it together as best as I can. I want nothing more than to run, but I know that won't end well.

Enus pushed me forward almost making me trip.
"Go up first, don't worry we are right behind you."  She reassured.
I looked back at them as all three of them smile at me making the hair on my body stand. Why would they let me go up first aren't they scared I will run? Maybe they think I'm just that stupid to listen to every word they are saying.
"Well?" She egged.

Slowly I turned around and and walked up the first step. Before stoping again. What if they try to kill me from behind.
"We don't have all day rainy! Move it!" She yelled.
Flinching at her sudden out burst I quickly begin to walk back up the stairs. I have no other choice but to do what she says. I contiued to walk, as the light from the room begin to fade the darkness took over. I felt around on the walls as we walked. I can hear the cave orc behind me breathing so I know they are definitely following behind me.  This is my shot, if I can get up there quicker then them I have a better shot at running off.

Without giving it any more thought I rushed up the stairs, panting. My heart feels like its about to burst out of my chest, as my body begain to go into flight or fight mode. I have to get the hell out of here. I will not die at her hands, or theirs.

Before I knew it I finally seen the knight sky, I ran out finally breathing in fresh air. The moon is out so that means it hasn't been that long since Xorim left. I ran into the woods not even caring which direction I was going, I just need to get out of here as soon as possible. I felt something wrap around my body before I was longe into a tree. instantly knocking the wind straight out of me. I tried to scream out in pain but nothing came out as the tears ran down my face as I gasp for air.

What was that! It moved to fast for me to even see.
I slowly tried to lift my self up, but suddenly I feel my body being quickly  lifted into the air before being thrown across the forest. I  hit the ground like ball as I tumbled. Each time I hit the ground I yelped out in pain. It hurts so bad.

I laid on the ground not moving a single muscle. My body feels like its been hit by a truck. I felt a presence behind me, but I didnt dare look back.
I know its them. They must have caught up in the mist of me being flung around.
"We told you to stop her from leaving not to kill her." Enus said lightly kicking me in my back.
"I thought you guys wanted her alive?"
"She cowardly tried to run off, she needs to know what will happen if she dares tries to leave Belo ." An orc shouted.
Someone came from behind me and squat in front of me. My vison is to blurry to make out his face, but I don't need to see him to know its a cave orc. I can't do anything but lay here and cry. I'm out numbered. Not to mention I'm in no shape to get up. My body ache all over especially my sholder I think it may have dislocated. I don't want to be taken like this, I need to put up a fight even if I don't stand a chance. I don't want to be taken away from Xorim. I'd rather die then go with them.
"She's still alive I can hear her breathing.'' Another cave orc said.
"Grab her and lets go!" Enus demanded.

I can feel my heart racing, "Why are you doing this?" I said lowly. 
"Because of you everything was ruined. I had him! I had him in my grasp! It was always suppose to be me! I would kill you, but that's to easy. Instead you will be cave orc slave. They will use you as they please.  Everytime Xorim sends out search crew to look for you I will lead them off your trail. So I hope you enjoyed the little time you spent with Xorim because you will never see him again."
She melodiously said.
Her words sent my body trembling, I'm scared. I'm so scared. I can't let them do this to me.
"No!" I shouted. Using all the energy I had left I quickly got to my feet and tried to run.
"Not again. Get her!" She demanded.
"Eh lets give her a head start it will be boring if  I catch her right away." Another laughed out.

I kept running not looking back, I need to get back to the fortress some how. A pain shot in up my thigh as I continued to run.  I looked down to see a knife sticking out of my leg. They threw a knife at me!  I can't stop running now I won't stop no matter how much pain I'm in. I continued to run limping as fast as I could. Tears blurred my vison as I ran.  It's so painful but I can't stop.
Pain shot threw my arm making me scream out in pain. I looked over to see see a shinny knife sticking out of my arm. At this rate I'm going to die before I can even get out of this forest.
I ran into something something solid causeing me to come to a complete stop.
My body trembled in fear as I slowly looked up. There's someone in front of me. How! How can they be in front of me already I haven't seen them pass me! Are they all just scattered around the forest?

My eyes were meet by a familer pair. I closed my eyes and cried into his chest as I held onto him.
"Xorim!" I cried out.
He held me tightly looking down with me with such worry in his eyes.
"What took you so long!" I said hitting his arm.
   "Why are you just now coming to get me!" I cried out.

I don't know why I'm scolding him when I'm so happy to see him.
"I swear I didnt make noise or anything they just found me!" I cried.

"Rain ." He softly said "I'll handle everything. I promise." He said tighting his grip around me. His eyes widen as he focused on the knife sticking out of me arm.
"Oh its nothing, I'm okay I promise!" I tried to confidently say, but I couldn't stop my tears from pouring out.
He looked further down to see the other knife coming out from my thigh.
" I'm sorry." I cried. "I couldn't fight back so I tried to-"

His eyes turned a florescent yellow lighting up the dark forest.
"Xorim your-"

"Where are you, you pathetic human we need to get you ready for lord Belo!" A cave orc yelled out.
I looked out to see the blue orc staring dead at us. His body froze as he looked into Xorims eyes.

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