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Before he could say anything else  I took off in the direction Xavier went.
"Rain stop!" Xorim yelled.
Stop? You want me to stop. There has to be a way to reverse this! I'm not worth this!

Tears ran down my checks as I zoomed through the fortress. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I find him, but one thing I do know is
My blood is boiling again. I can feel the torche being lite inside of me.  So this is the rage that they all have to deal with huh. The only difference is, I'm not blinded. I feel powerful. I feel strong.
Quickly glancing back Xorim was no where in sight.  I must be running faster than I thought. 

Like a rabid dog I contiued to run around like a maniac looking any and everywhere.  Orcs gave me weird looks as I passed them,but I dont care about any of that right now, I need to find him. Panting I stop running for a second. I can hear someone talking but its faint.
"Rain" it whispered.
Coming to a abruptly stop I scanned around, but I don't see anyone.
"I see your looking for me" the voice whispered behind me.

This voice, it sounds like Xavier!
Swiftly I turned around, but I don't see no one. 
"Xavier come out you trash!"

He must be using his powers to get his voice in my head like this. How pathetic. He can't face me his self.
"Follow my voice rain. I know your human so you won't understand but you have powers so use them."
I want to break his neck, but in order to do that I need to find him
Taking a deep breath I cleared my mine. Xorim was able to hear those cave orcs coming when they were miles away. If I'm lucky I inherited that power. When he talks again I will just focus on his voice.

"Hahah. What a clever girl. I guess you aren't as dumb as you look."

Ignoring his comment  I focused on his voice. Closing my eyes, my mind felt like it was finally connected. Like a beacon  I feel exactly where he is. I know exactly how far he is, I can even feel his heart beat.
A smiled curled up on the side of my face. "Found you." I whispered.
He's out in the woods.

"Rain!" Xorim yelled from behind me. Jerking my body around our eyes met for a Brief second, his eyes budge out of his head as he panted.
"I was looking for you-" without hearing the rest of what he needed to say I took off in full speed towards Xavier.

I don't have time to hear what he has to say right now. That damn orc has been plotting ever sense he has gotten here. How does Xorim not see that.

My feet are moving without me telling them too, its like they know exactly where they need to go before I can sense it. As I gained closer to him, the deeper into the woods I go. It's almost like he's leading me back to..
Quickly I came to a stop looking around. Isn't this where that cave Orc threw me at.
He lead me back to where it all happened that night. Chills ran down my spin as Memories of that night flashed in my head like a horror movie.
Why would he bring me here? 

Closing my eyes and focusing slowly my senses heightened as I pin point him. I can hear his heart as clear as day now. It's like he's right in front of me.
Slowly I opened my eyes seeing Xavier bright eyes looking enthusiastically at me.
I thought I'd feel scared seeing him, but I'm far from scared. I'm angry..

"I see you found me" He smiled showing me his sharp teeth.
Without thinking my fist went flying at him, quickly he dodged me, laughing out like a mad man. "Why, your so full of surprises!"
This is what he wants, he want me to get all riled up.
"What are you plotting Xavier." I spat.

A smiled curled up on the side of face. "What do you mean Rainy? Are you talking about me giving Xorim the option to save your life? Should I just let you die?" He crooked his head to the side giving me a annoyed look.

"You ungrateful human. To know you hold such great power because of him, infuriates me. You should be happy your even alive!" He growled. "Your only alive because of me! Who do you think help Xorim? If I didnt give him the push he needed he would have never made it to you in time, so I saved your life twice."

"Cut the bullshit, even if thats the case, there must be something in it for you, there is people like you in my world. Only doing things that benefit themselves. I won't ask again Xavier, tell me what your planing." I demanded.

"Fine, answers is what you want?" He step back and snapped his fingers. A light blue beamed around us creating some type of force field caging us in like a box.

"What is this?" I nervously said. It resembles the same force filed that Xorim wrapped around me that night, but this one is much bigger then Xorim's. It's almost as big as a boxing ring. Not to mention he is in it with me.
"You said you would give me answers!" I outraged.
I'm not sure what he is planning but from the looks of it we aren't going to be leaving here anytime soon.
"I will answer all of your questions if you can defeat me. Xorim said your strong, lets see how strong." He proposed.

My hands are starting to sweat as he continued to stare at me, giving me that sinister signature smile.
Theres no way I can beat him. I dont know what powers I possess besides strength and hearing, but I can't miss a opportunity like this. I need to know what he is planning, even if that risk me getting hurt. I will use every once in my power to bring him down. He may have "saved" my life but I don't buy it.

"You have a deal."
"Marvelous!" He beamed. There are no rules, try to defeat me at all cost!" He explained.
"Oh look we have a audience." He pointed to Xorim who had finally caught up.
"Try not to embarrass yourself." He snickered.
Xorim shot me a concerned look, but I shook my head, telling him to not to intervene.

"Well come at me."

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