4. Sluttier Clothes

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By the time they were done, Sera felt as if she couldn't breathe anymore. His presence affected her entire being to the point she found it hard to speak without stuttering, she shifted uncomfortably every time his gaze fell on her. She tried to focus on Jamie rather than hold eye contact with forest man but she could still feel his intense gaze on her and it was hard not to steal glances at him every now and then.

"Good, that settles it then. You'll start right away tomorrow?" Jamie clapped excitedly, an excited smile adorning his face.

She did not think it would be this easy. They barely interviewed her or asked for a resume. This entire encounter just felt like a catch-up date with an old friend, minus the big intense man who kept staring at her.

Maybe they don't really care that much about internships, so they accept anyone.

But then again, she was taking full control of their social media pages. Not really a job for just anyone.

"Of course!" Sera kept up the bright smiles, still determined to win her smile battle with Jamie.

She slowly got up, "Thank you so much for this opportunity, I promise not to let you down." She extended her hand towards Jamie first and then turned to Rowan.

"It was really nice meeting you both, I hope we get to work on great things t-together." His firm handshake caused her to stutter over her words slightly, which she attempted to fix with a smile his way.

"We hope so, too."

Was it normal that she hadn't heard Rowan speak but a few words this entire time?

She kept replaying their encounter multiple times in her head as she walked to the station to get to her class. She felt drawn to Rowan in a unique way she couldn't really put into words. Sera caught herself smiling with her hand in the palm of her hands while looking through the train window, and immediately shook herself out of it.

Don't be a schoolgirl, you're literally 21.

He might be insanely attractive but he was kind of her boss now. She needed to be careful not to fantasize too far, he might want to keep their relationship professional and she didn't want to send the wrong message. Besides, he looked a little older than her.

That's kinda hot. Stop

"So, how was it?" Wes urged her to speak while they held their food and looked for a table to sit.

"Remember forest man?" She asked casually as they finally sat down.

"You're so weird." Wes snorted at the nickname but then realized what she had said and his eyes widened suddenly, his hand came to his mouth in shock.

"Don't say it!" Sera nodded eagerly and Wes lost it as he started laughing.

"Sera, stop playing with me right now."

"He's beautiful." She again casually stated while taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Are you for real?" He asked again in bewilderment.

"Yes!" She laughed.

"That's it, you're literally meant to be together." Wes almost knocked his coke cup but held it back at the last minute.

"You think so?" Sera was being sarcastic but somewhere deep deep inside where her irrationality resided, she hoped they were.

You've literally seen him twice.

"What's his position there?" Wes asked after taking a bite and swallowing.

"Uhh CEO." She mumbled, her lips around the straw of her coke.


"CEO." She said louder, expecting him to flip the table by now.

They stared at each other for a while, Sera slowly blinking.

"No, like actually."

Sera kept blinking.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Multiple people turned their attention to the two friends once they heard Wes yell but he paid them no mind.

"We need to do something." His voice went back to normal.

"Do what?" She snorted, stealing some of his fries.

Wes slapped her hand away as he spoke, "You need to start wearing sluttier clothes."

"Ew, no." She scrunched her face at him.

"Seduce him!"

"Leave me alone!"

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