11. Friends

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"So, should I re-write it?" Sera asked.

 She was sitting right next to Rowan on his desk, editing her part in her upcoming presentation just like he promised.

She was so thankful for him, he did not only help her fix what Allison pointed out, but he also reviewed the entire thing for her. Sera felt a little anxious over him seeing and reading her work, but she sucked it up as it was for the greater good and an opportunity she couldn't miss.

"Maybe rephrase the important points in this paragraph, it's kind of repetitive since you also explained it in the previous slide, don't you think?" He suggested.

"I do think so." She nodded, her eyes focused on her laptop screen as she started editing.

There was a moment of silence as they both focused on their individual work, but Sera quickly broke it with a sudden question that came to her mind.

"What did you study?" She looked at him in curiosity.

"Business."  He looked back at her.

"Ooh, nice." She kept looking at him and he could tell her curiosity was not yet filled.

"How long ago did you graduate?" 

Rowan hesitated for half a second before answering. "Seven years ago." He was slightly scared that their age gap might scare her away.

"So that makes you 29?" Rowan nodded, gauging her reaction.

"You're only eight years older than me!" Her eyes lit up. 

Rowan internally thanked god and all the angels above.


"Do you have any questions for me?" She tilted her head.

Sera was trying to get him to be more comfortable with her, and she could tell it was slowly working. She considered him a friend, and she hoped he did too.


"Are we friends?" She blurted out, not waiting for an answer to her previous question, she had actually completely forgotten about it. 

There was a minute of uncomfortable silence as she waited for his answer, her brows furrowed slightly and he noticed it immediately.


"Actually?" Her eyes were hopeful, as if this was the one and only thing she wanted.

"Why wouldn't we be?" 

"I don't know, you're older, and my supervisor." She looked down at her lap nervously.

"We can be friends if I'm older and your supervisor, Sera." He had the urge to lift her chip up so he could look at her eyes again, but he prevented himself.

As if reading his mind, she lifted her head and looked back at him. A bright smile on her face, it lit her entire face up, scrunching it in a cute way. 

"Go back to work." He felt butterflies in his stomach, he was a grown man with butterflies in his stomach, all he needed to do now was kick his feet and giggle and it would all be set. 

He's whipped, and he didn't even need Jamie to say it to him because he knew. 

"Right away." She saluted and immediately turned her chair back to her laptop, focusing on the screen.

Rowan kept looking at her a few moments longer than necessary until he felt like a creep and averted his gaze.

It was only a few short minutes of them working when Sera spoke again.

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