16. A Good Night

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Rowan tossed and turned all night, feeling extremely aggravated. He had dropped Sera off at the address she gave him, she thanked him and went on her way. He knew that she probably felt like crap and she needed the comfort of her best friend, but he couldn't comprehend how she was just going to stay over at a man's house. His entire muscles felt tense as he drove her there, not uttering a word.

He could feel himself wanting to tell her to just stay at his place instead, it was on the tip of his tongue. But he didn't want to freak her out, he didn't want to overstep. She's not going to go home with a random man she's known for only a couple weeks when her best friend's house was open for her. He kept thinking about it on his way home, when he cooked, and while he was waiting for the water to boil, he couldn't take it anymore and texted her.

'Did you get there safe?'

Her response came a few minutes later.

My Sera: Yes, thank you so much again <3

Me: Are you okay?

My Sera: I feel a little better now, we're eating ice cream and watching a movie :)

Fucking hell.

Rowan dropped his phone on his kitchen counter harshly, sighing and rubbing his face before picking the phone back up.

Me: I'm glad, stay safe.

My Sera: You too!!

As he closed his phone and turned back to cooking, Rowan thought it would have been better if he hadn't texted her and known what they were doing. His mind started wandering as he kept looking at the frying pan in front him.

What if they were sitting too close to each other? What if she was laying her head on his shoulder? What if he tried doing something to her?

He felt as if he was about to lose his mind.

After eating and washing the dishes, Rowan went to shower and went through the same exact thought process while under the water.

Fuck. Do I have nothing better to do?

He tried convincing himself that it's none of his business, she was just an intern, just a girl, and he couldn't care less. That only made him even more angry.

I should've just asked her to stay here. He thought after putting his head down on his pillow. After a few more minutes of tossing, he said 'fuck it', grabbed his phone and texted her again.

Me: Are you asleep?

Rowan sat up on his bed, phone in his hand as he waited for a reply. A brief thought of him being whipped and pathetic crossed his mind for a second.

My Sera: Nope.
My Sera: Is everything okay?

Me: Yeah, just checking on you.

My Sera: You're so sweet.

Just as her message came through, an image popped into Rowan's mind of her and her friend sleeping next to each other, on the same bed. Together.

He couldn't stop himself as his fingers started typing on their own, he was completely possessed at that moment.

Me: Does your friend have a spare room?

Rowan held his breath for a few painful moments as Sera typed her answer.

My Sera: It's a dorm, he has roommates lol

Fuck me.

He was absolutely going to lose his mind, did this girl really not realize what she was doing to him?

Me: Is it okay for you to be there?
Where are you going to sleep?

He drove her to an all-boys dorm, he drove her there, it was all him.

My Sera: Not really, but no one's going to know :)
Wes gave me his bed and he's sleeping on the floor.

Rowan sighed, feeling that if he didn't calm down, he was definitely going to have a heart attack. No girl has ever affected him in the way Sera did.

My Sera: Why aren't you asleep?

Me: I'm worried about you.

He was going to be honest for now. No games. She had asked him before if they were friends, and he said yes. Friends worry for each other, it's normal.

My Sera: You're really sweet, but there's nothing for you to be worried about.
I'll text you again in the morning so you'd feel better, okay?

Me: Okay

My Sera: Goodnight <3

Me: Goodnight

It was anything but a good night.

Stop she saved her number on his phone under 'Sera Wynn' but he changed it to 'My Sera' I'm cryingggg

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