Chapter 6

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And with a blink of an eye, Wednesday evening had rolled around. I poked my head out slightly before stepping out of my apartment, scanning the hallway for any sign of Harry. With my luck that the universe seemed to give me and enjoy, I would run into him more than necessary.

I mean, it was already bad enough that we lived in the same off-campus building, and better yet, his apartment was only two doors down from mine. Although I found it pretty funny, not, that I was the one constantly on guard when it came to him. Even his name alone brought unwanted anxiety to my stomach, and no, not the butterflies type, more like flies.

Despite our horrible first couple of interactions, I still attempted to engage him in conversation to just be civilized. Yet, like all the other times, he would shut me down with a sharp one-word comment. It was frustrating and hurtful, especially as we were doing this for our best friends. I could not fathom what I even did to him to get him to dislike me so much. Eventually though, I stopped trying.

There was no reason for me to go out of my way to make it bearable to be in his presence, so I just gave him the same energy back. I would dismiss him if he ever, which he didn't really, talk to me, and when we did converse, it was jabs being thrown at one another, much to Melissas and Nialls disappointment.

As I made my way down the hallway, Harry emerged from his apartment, his usual scowl etched on his handsome face. He wore those fitted clothes that seemed tailor-made for him, and his unruly curls framed his features in a way that I couldn't deny was attractive. He just looked so good. Yet, his personality was anything but.

I groaned internally as he noticed me and started walking towards me with a sly grin accompanying him. Talk about luck, oh the universe just loves to laugh and cause unnecessary problems for me.

This had happened a handful of times since I learned that Harry is quite literally living in such close quarters to me. Most of the time I was able to wait it out until I knew the coast was clear of Harry. One of the many times was when I had my backpack slung over one shoulder, I stepped into the corridor and couldn't help but glance furtively toward Harry's apartment. It was a habit I had developed over time, a reflex born from countless awkward encounters with him.

My heart quickened as I spotted Harry's door slightly ajar. The thought of running into him sent a shiver down my spine. Our interactions were never anything less than tense, like a perpetual storm cloud looming over us.

I knew I had to check, had to make sure the coast was clear before I ventured out. The last thing I needed was another one of those sharp, one-word responses that Harry seemed to specialize in. The tension between us had reached a point where even his name alone brought an unwanted anxiety churning in my stomach.

With bated breath, I poked my head out ever so slightly, careful not to make any noise. The hallway appeared deserted at first glance, but I had learned the hard way that Harry had a knack for materializing out of thin air. My heart hammered in my chest as I scanned for any sign of movement.

And then, there he was.

A sense of dread washed over me, and I instinctively took a step back into my apartment. I didn't think he had noticed me, but I wasn't taking any chances. The thought of another awkward encounter with Harry sent a chill down my spine.

I closed the door softly, my heart still racing. The universe had a knack for conspiring against me when it came to Harry. It was as if it reveled in creating unnecessary problems and discomfort in my life.

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