Chapter 13

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I glanced at the clock, its hands steadily moving, marking the passage of time. The soft ticking echoed in the quiet room, a constant reminder of the hours slipping away. The realization hit me like a sudden wave – the day was slipping away, and I had accomplished nothing other than getting lost in my own thoughts.

Determined to break free from the confines of my apartment, I stood up with a sense of urgency. The air inside the apartment felt stagnant. I needed a change, a breath of fresh air to dispel the lingering frustration that clung to me. In a swift motion, I grabbed my jacket from the hook near the door. The fabric felt cool against my fingertips as I hastily slipped it on.

The shower had freshened me up, I caught my reflection in the steam-kissed mirror, and the person looking back seemed lighter, refreshed. The weight that had settled on my shoulders before the shower had lifted, replaced by a subtle energy that hinted at a newfound resilience. I didn't feel as gross and clouded minded, but my thoughts did eventually continue spinning with comebacks and retorts I should have unleashed on Riley. Listen, there was frustration and anger bubbled inside me, demanding release and that was the only way I could think of. I needed a distraction, something to take my thoughts away from that condescending jerk.

The ding of the elevator brought me back to the present moment, and I ventured into the common communal area of the building. The transition from the hushed solitude of my apartment to the shared space felt like stepping into a different world. The hallway echoed with muted sounds of distant conversations and the faint hum of everyday life.

I decided to redirect my focus to the mailroom, a feeble attempt to divert my attention from the persistent thoughts of the lingering stings of Riley's words.I couldn't let him consume my thoughts any longer.

Entering the mailroom, I found myself in the midst of a quiet hum of activity. Other residents, lost in their own worlds, shuffled around, each engrossed in the ritual of collecting their mail. The atmosphere was a blend of routine and heavy with the anticipation of shared stories and gossip exchanged through the tiny mail slots.

I rolled my eyes at the thought, realizing how trivial it all seemed in the grand scheme of things. Yet, in that moment, the triviality was a welcome reprieve. I needed the simplicity of everyday tasks to ground me.

With a sense of detachment, the act of reaching for my mailbox became a deliberate motion, a conscious effort to immerse myself in the tangible world of envelopes and parcels. I shuffled through the stack of envelopes containing nothing more than bills and junk mail, desperate for anything to anchor my attention.

Then, as if emerging from the background noise, I became aware of a subtle shift in the room. The scent of a familiar cologne wafted through the air, catching my attention. At first, I dismissed it as a figment of my imagination, a byproduct of an overactive mind seeking connections where there were none.

However, my suspicions were soon confirmed as I noticed a tall figure near the opposite end of the mailboxes walking towards me. The back of his head, crowned with a tousle of brown hair, was unmistakable – it was Harry. Before he could realize I shot my head back down, pretending to be immersed into the boring envelopes.

My eyes stayed fixated on rereading my address written on the mail as if it was so interesting, requiring my full attention. I knew I couldn't avoid him for long since his mailbox was right by mine, but I thought I had more time before I would have to interact with Harry. Fate seemed determined to test my composure as his unmistakable cross tattoo came in view.

I knew I was fucked.

My heart sank, not ready to confront Harry and what he might say about last night. Awkwardness hung in the air like a heavy cloud, and I struggled to maintain a nonchalant facade.

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