Chapter 17

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Over the next few weeks, Harry integrated himself seamlessly into my life and circle of friends. With our newfound friendship, Niall and Melissa's dream of dinner or nights out around town with Harry and I became true. His playful banter and protective nature fit right in.

One Friday night we all decided to unwind at a pub downtown after a long week. The lively atmosphere immediately lifted my spirits. We grabbed a table, drinks in hand, laughter flowing easily.

Niall regaled us with animated stories while Melissa hung on his every word, utterly smitten. Meanwhile, Harry sat close beside me, his arm draped casually over my chair in a way that felt both platonic yet intimate.

"Your turn, tell us an embarrassing story from secondary school," Harry insisted, nudging my shoulder.

I groaned dramatically. "Ugh why, so you have more ammunition to tease me?"

"Exactly," he quipped with a cheeky wink that made me blush.

After much coaxing I finally relented and launched into the cringe-worthy tale of the time it snowed in my city, and the next day there was ice all over the school grounds causing me to slip and slide for a good couple minutes in front of the whole school coming back from lunch.

Melissa was crying laughing while Harry chuckled affectionately throughout the mortifying retelling.

"Alright, alright, I've sufficiently humiliated myself for one night," I concluded, hiding my reddening face against Harry's shoulder.

"I thought that was adorable," he murmured, the warmth of his breath tickling my cheek. My stomach fluttered at the unexpected compliment.

Across from us, Niall and Melissa exchanged a clandestine look I couldn't quite decipher. But I was too distracted by Harry's arm wrapping around my waist to give it much thought.

The night wore on, drinks and stories flowing. Melissa eventually pulled me aside on the pretext of touching up makeup in the restroom. As soon as we were alone, she turned to me wide-eyed.

"Okay, what's going on with you and Harry?"

"What? Nothing's going on," I said, feigning confusion.

Melissa gave me a pointed look. "Come on, Ev. I have eyes. You two are attached at the hip these days. And so...touchy feely." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"We're just friends," I insisted, but couldn't meet her knowing gaze. "He's an affectionate guy."

"Mmhmm," Melissa hummed, clearly unconvinced. "Just be careful, alright? I don't want to see you get hurt again." Her expression softened with concern.

I leaned over and pecked her cheek. "I know. But it's not like that, I promise."

We dropped the subject and rejoined the guys, but Melissa's words lingered in my mind. She had a knack for seeing things I was oblivious to.

The rest of the night proceeded without incident. Harry's arm found its way back around me, warm and secure. It felt like the most natural thing in the world.


Sunday afternoon I was tidying up around the apartment when a knock sounded at the door. I opened it to find Harry on the other side, guitar case in hand.

"Ready for your lesson?" he asked breezily, stepping inside.

I had completely forgotten I jokily agreed to let Harry give me informal guitar lessons. His enthusiasm was hard to resist. If he won the race to class, which he did, he got to choose his reward. And he chose to force me to showcase my lack of music talent.

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