1. The Boy Next Door

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I was staring at my cat zoom around the garden in his usual nutty fashion, chasing a leaf or whatever, quite frankly because I was bored out of my mind. 

I could hear my mother saying something in the background, but I really couldn't care less. It was the last few days of vacation before school started. One more year of highschool before I headed off to college. 

"Sebastian! Are you even listening to me?"

I tuned back in to whatever my mom was on about. "Yes mom."

"I said, the new neighbors will be here soon. Julia told me they had a son your age. Isn't it great?"

Now that was interesting. Our previous neighbors had moved about a month ago, they were pretty decent. There was no one on this street close to my age. 

I shrugged. "I guess."

Almost as though summoned by my mother's words, a car pulled up into the neighbor's driveway. I craned my neck to get a better look. Sure enough, a fluffy black haired head popped out, followed by the rest of the boy as he got down. I raised my eyebrows. 

He turned around and I got a better look at him. Holy shit, he was gorgeous. 

Oh, did I mention I was gay? 

He had a black sweater on,  which matched his wavy black hair. He also had the most beautiful scowl on his face. "What are you looking at?"

I was snapped out of my daze as I realized he saw me looking at him. Sheesh, why did he get so mad? 

"Sorry, I was just curious, we're gonna be nei-"

"Shut the fuck up." 

And with that, he grabbed a backpack and disappeared into the house. What the fuck. 

I turned around and realized my mother wasn't there. She had already gone over to greet his parents I assume. She definitely wouldn't be able to greet their son, that's for sure. 

What a jerk. Ah well, just another beautiful face with an asshole personality. He seemed like such a cactus. All thorns and everything.

I brushed the dirt of my pants and stretched a little. I went back inside to get myself a snack.

About thirty minutes later, my mom came back. "Well, they seem lovely. She's a single mom, and she's quite friendly. I think we'll get along quite well."

I smiled, my mom had quite an...extroverted personality, to put it lightly, so I was glad she found someone she could vibe with.

"I think you should go over and meet her son, he's joining your school. You'll have classes together, I think this is a great chance to welcome him."

I shook my head no, there was no way in hell I'd be attempting to speak to him. He seemed way too rude. Besides, I didn't feel like having a door slammed in my face today.

All was in vain however, because I found myself standing right in front of their door five minutes later, with a box of cookies and a welcome note my mom made me write.

After a minute of procrastinating, I rung their doorbell. I heard some bustling before the door swung open, revealing a lady in a summer dress. At first glance, I would've assumed she was his sister, she looked so young.

"Hello, I live right next door. I'm-"

My hopes of quickly dropping off the cookies and getting out of there before the boy saw me crumbled, as she gave me a big smile and interrupted my words.

"Oh, you must be Sebastian, yes, Lorelai told me she'd send you over! Come on in, why don't you meet Finn. He'll be in your grade, it would be great if he had a friend to show him around."

I gave an awkward smile at that. So Cactus's other name was Finn. I reallly doubted her son would like to be friends.

She made me take a seat on their couch before calling down Finn, or as I prefer to call him, Cactus.

He seemed super annoyed. I was more focused on taking in his appreance. He had changed into a fitting black tee with a fall out boy design on it. I realised I'd been staring a second too long.

"What are you staring at, again?"

I quickly looked up. Goddamn, that face keeps catching me off guard.

"Can you like, talk? Or do you just keep staring at people?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off with a huff and sat down on a chair a little away from me and got on his phone. His mother was out of earshot, I doubt she'd let her son be this mean. She seemed sweet.

After a short awkward silence, I realised I was still holding the cookies and the note. I decided to introduce myself, drop off the box and leave. Asap.

"Uh, I'm Sebastian."

He gave me a look before going back to looking at his phone.


I looked around, scratching the back of my neck, wanting to be anywhere but here. I was just about to say bye, when I heard him mumble something.


I looked up in surprise. I barely heard him.


"I said Finn. My name is Finn." He seemed very annoyed at having to repeat himself. Sheesh.

I felt the need to apologise even though I didn't do anything.


I wasn't even spared a look this time. He just ignored me.

"Wellll, I'll be going. These are uh, some cookies that my mom asked me to give you." I placed them on the table in front of me, and all but ran out. I don't think he even looked up from his phone.

I felt quite stupid, but more annoyed than anything. Cactus seemed like a real pain, and I'd like to avoid him as much as possible. And cookies? Really?

Cactus didn't deserve cookies. Certainly not choco chip ones. I could've eaten them. He'd probably throw them in the trash. Stupid Cactus. Stupid Cactus and his gorgeous gorgeous face. If only he wasn't such an ass.

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