4. A Ride to School

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I woke up late once again. I hurried to get dressed, before running down for breakfast. Mom had made some amazing waffles. With Nutella. God, I was already in heaven. 

I decided to screw the fact that I was late and spend the ten minutes enjoying my nutella waffles. 

My mom looked amused. "Seb, aren't you late?"

I spoke and tried to chew my waffles at the same time. Not very successful.

"Yes. But waffles."

I went out and put my shoes on. They were dirty, but I preferred to say that they had a personality. 

My mom was right behind me, and the exact moment I stepped out was when Finn came out on his motorbike. Since I walk to school and would very likely be late, my mom had a very genius idea. 

"Sebastian, why don't you catch a ride with Finn?"

Why would she even suggest that?  "Mom, no."

She rolled her eyes. "Typical Seb."

She waved her hand and said, loudly, "Hey, FINN!"

Finn turned to look her way, although I couldn't see his face, because he had his helmet on. 

"Finn, could you give Seb a ride?"

I was absolutely mortified. This was so embarrassing. Especially considering the fact that my mom offers to drop me off everyday, I just walk because I don't want to bother her. She was doing this on purpose.

I was even more mortified when Finn nodded his head. Oh god. That thing looked huge. I was half sure I'd fall off. He went back to his house and returned with another helmet. He got on and waited for me. 

I now had no choice but to walk over to him and try to climb on that thing. I almost died inside when I struggled to get on. I couldn't get my leg on it to the other side. Curse my short genes. This was so embarrassing. 

I struggled for a few more seconds before Finn spoke up, "Just grab onto my shoulders and get on."

I wanted to hide in a corner somewhere at this point. I took a breath in and placed my hands on his shoulders, and used that to push myself up. Luckily, that worked, and I shifted around and got comfortable. Well, as comfortable as I could get. I put on the helmet he gave me. 

"Hold on tight."

Before I could say anything in reply, he sped off, and I held the little thing at the back that bikes have at the last moment so I wouldn't fall straight down. 

Finn rode as though there was a bloody army chasing us. REALLY, how much time would it save going at that speed. I was on edge the whole time, closing my eyes tight half the ride. He stopped suddenly in between and lovely inertia caused me to slam hard into his back. 

He had a nice back.

"Ow, Sorry."

I don't know if he replied, the traffic was so loud. After a long long never-ending ride, he finally slowed down and came to a stop. 

"We're here."

I was in one piece, yay. I jumped off and handed his helmet back to him. 

"Thanks a lot, I would've been late otherwise." 

As usual, he just gave me a short nod in reply. I saw a few students staring at me, so I quickly headed in. I found my friends near my locker. 

"Ah Seb finally." Jenny said. My other friend, Theo, looked like he was falling asleep on his feet. 

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