10. Anna

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I headed to math class with a good chunk of time to spare. I quickly scanned the room and saw cookie girl in the corner. I walked over, and saw that she was immersed in a book. I hated to disrupt her, but I really wanted to clear things up.

"Hey." I said softly. She looked up suddenly, as if shaken. She must have been really focused on her book.

"Oh, hey." She replied. 

I blanked out for a second. How exactly was I supposed to start this conversation?

"I'm really sorry about the cookies. I know they were for Finn, but he actually doesn't like chocolate. Me on the other hand? An absolute sucker for it. So he gave them to me and I kinda ate it all." I said sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck from nervousness. 

She stared at me with those big green eyes for a moment before laughing. "It's alright. I'm glad you liked them."

She blushed lightly. "Well, I think I just made up a whole different version of Finn in my head accidentally. I've been trying to get out of my comfort zone lately, and decided to go for it. I'm just glad I got it off my chest. Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure he's not my type. He does seem like a nice person though."

If she thought he was a nice person from that interaction, her standards were on the ground. She seemed like a really sweet girl.

I leaned onto the desk behind me, resting my bodyweight. "That was really brave of you. Oh also, where did you get those cookies from? They were really good."

She grinned. "I made them, actually."

My eyes widened. "For real? You could sell them and I'd buy a whole bag every week, no joke. You're so talented."

Her smile grew wider and she looked down at her lap. "Thank you. It makes me really happy when someone likes my baking."

I noticed the cover of the book she was reading looked familiar. "Hey, what were you reading?"

She held it up for me to see. "Agatha Christie. I love her stuff."

I got all excited. "No way, me too!"

Her eyes lit up. "This is amazing. I haven't really met anyone yet who truly likes her books."

We continued talking about books, and realized we share a lot of similar interests. I sat down at the desk next to her when the teacher came. When the class was over, I realized I still didn't know cookie girl's name. 

I got up with my stuff and turned to her. 

"I'm sorry, but I never caught your name. I've just been calling you cookie girl in my head."

She giggled softly. "I'm Anna. But cookie girl works too."

I was going to introduce myself, but she beat me to it. "You're Sebastian, I know."

I was surprised. "How?"

She smiled. "Well, I've seen you in class before, and everyone knows you as the only person Finn talks to."

Wow. That was... something. We exchanged our Instagram ids and went our ways. The day was finally over.

Since Finn and I came to school together, we also go home together, simply because it makes sense.

He was waiting for me in the parking lot. "Hey Sebastian."

I grinned and jumped on, before putting on my helmet. "Hey Finn. Oh, by the way, I spoke to the cookie girl and apologized for eating all the cookies. She didn't mind at all, she was quite sweet actually."

Finn (bxb)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon