Double life 3

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' Yeah we gotta talk, how are you not inside of me by now' Mickey smirked.
'No Mick.. just sit down' Ian motioned and Mickey looked at him conflicted.
'Please'. They sat down on the couch, a small distance was kept between them as Ian spoke up first. 'I've been lying to you Mick..' he started and Mickey took it as a sign to enlarge the distance between them.
'I've been working for the FBI for the past four years now.. and two weeks ago I got a call up to my boss' office, telling me about some guy that came back to Chicago and has been keeping his officers quite busy and asked me to track him down so he can put him in a cell by the end of the week' Ian spoke.
'If you're gonna fucking arrest me fucking do it' Mickey called standing putting his hands in front of Ian to handcuff him.
'No, Mick! I'm not going to arrest you!!!" Ian yelled.
'Then what in hell do you want!? you're telling me you were sent to find me and arrest me so your fucking boss can put me as his trophy in his office' Mickey now yelled, Ian shook his head trying to step closer towards Mickey but pushed him away.
'I don't want to arrest you, Mick. I don't!' he sighs before counting 'I like you dummy that is why I'm telling you that'.
'Well, you don't get to' Mickey sight.
'Just get out '
'What? Mickey come on! we can talk about it. I've more to say' Ian begged.
He wanted to tell Mickey the truth, tell him everything. And hopefully, get some help from him on how to get his boss off his back while keeping their relationship close.
'Just.. get out Ian, this clearly can't work! if you are going to arrest me or whatever just fucking do it! and if not get the hell out of here and don't bother even calling me back' he yelled. He was hurt, deeply hurt by him. He didn't expect that the cute redhead with the freckles and the fucking alien-looking was a cop that is here just to put him as a trophy at his boss's office.
'Mickey please' he started to cry, trying to pull Micley closer to him.
He was this close but still far away from his reach.
'I SAID GET OUT' Mickey yelled, pushing Ian towards the door. But Ian managed to stop him and pin Mickey against the door causing him to lose his breath.
'Mick just listen to me! I like you okay? I fucking like you and I don't give a flying fuck what you're doing for a living! I care about you!! I started that conversion just to find a solution with you to get my boss off my back so he won't keep asking me when I'll have you in his cell'.
Micke frowned.
He wanted him.
He liked him.
But he was an FBI agent.
That is his job to put him under custody.
But he doesn't want to do that.
He wants Mickey.
But he needs a way to get his boss off his back.
What the hell did he get himself into this time?!
'What do you want me to do man? you'll eventually have to do your job and lock me up!' Mickey asked, raising his hands in the air as a sign of defense.
'I want to be with you, Mick! I don't care what other people think! I want you. I need you.' he looked at him with this look saying
He see more inside of you, more than you would ever see in yourself
That look caused Mickey to lose his breath. He wouldn't deny that he hasn't grown to like him since he met him. He was a good guy, with manners, and that dick was a sure hell of a bounos.
But he can't promise him anything. He is moving constantly from one place to another. And he knows for sure that is not what Ian is looking for.
'I need you too man.. but I can't guarantee anything for you' Mickey said.
'I don't need you to promise me anything... I want you with me.. as I said I don't care about anyone else I care about you
'What do you want me to say? I've been running for years now.. cops can come and bust my ass any second now, you being one of
'What if I quit my job? And we can run away together?' Ian suggested.
Mickey quickly shook away from his grip and looked him in the eyes.
'Don't quit your job for me! You have the best job that anyone can dream of. What would you do that?'
'I told you that already Mick..' Ian replied. Getting tired of explaining himself to him. He just wants to be with him, is that so hard to believe?
'Even if you run away with me or whatever you got in that mind of yours what are we going to do? We are not even a couple or something just a two times botty call' Mickey asked.
Ian walked closer to him and used his finger to raise Mickey's head so their eyes could lock.
'Since the moment I saw you. I knew that I needed you around me all the time.. yes, we don't know each other for a long time. Or just two times botty callas you said.. but I don't feel like that.. I feel more towards you. Yeah, it might seem crazy or I'm out of my mind-'
'You are out of your mind' Mickey chuckled.
'How about we will make a pack?' Ian asked.
'A pack what are we twelve?' Mickey said annoyed.
Ian held out his hand, spitting on it waiting for Mickey to do the same.
Mickey chuckled at his silliness and did the same.
'I promise to you that I'll always be by your side, no matter what cop or not'
'Jesus Christ' Mickey chuckled softly.
'What do you say Milkovich? Wanna do this journey with me?'
Mickey looked at him one last time before connecting their spit.
'Let's see how long you're gonna survive'.

Ten years later

Ian flopped down on the bed next to Mickey panting from the long round of sex they just had.
'I told you I'd make it' Ian said suddenly looking over Mickey.
'Ten years ago, we made a pack. I promised you that I'd stay next to you and be with you as long as you take me' Mickey smiled.
'I remember that' he said. Ian smiled at him back and then quickly rolled off the bed and moved towards the dresser that was in their room. He pulled out a small ring box and hid it behind his back before moving towards Mickey to help him off the bed and to sit on the edge of the bed.
'It's been ten years since that day Mick.. and I'm still here.. but-' he got down on one knee and Mickey started to tear up. He didn't bother to wipe them away because he was with Ian.
'I want to make it to many more.. as a different kind of pack' Ian smiled, opened the ring box, and showed it to Mickey.
A single silver band was in it, shining by itself.
'What do you say Milkovich? Wanna change the pack' Ian smiled at him. Tears also start to pour down his cheeks.
'Fuck it I do'

And the end!
Three parts that's got to be a new record for a story
Have a great day everyone
Love ya❤️

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