My little dork

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Intro: Ian is a puzzle nerd.
"Mandy, I need your help," Mickey called as he entered the former Milkovich household, seeing his younger sister on the couch with a baby strap around her chest. He sat next to her.
"Hello would be nice," she called, chuckling softly.
"Don't care; I need your help," he said again.
"And what do you need now?"
"I want to propose to Ian," her eyes widened.
"Omg! Mickey yes! Finally, she cheered out loud as her husband, John, walked inside with their toddler under his hand.
"Guess who tried to flash her hand again in the toilet?" He asked as Lily giggled under her father's embrace.
"Give her to me; we need to have a little girl talk so you can Elijah with you." John nodded and moved towards her to switch between the kids.
John and Mandy met after Mandy ran away from Kenyatta way back. He just looked for a one-night stand and instead found a long-term relationship. Mickey always loved to see them together. Yes, at first he may have disliked John, thought he was another one like his sister's exes, and wanted too much of his ass. But John had proved to be one of the good guys, and he liked him.
"Hey Mickey, how is it going?" John asked
"Good, I just came to pay a visit for Mandy."
"Without notice, but sure," Mandy said, getting a death stare from her big brother.
"I lived in this house way before you were born, so technically I'm allowed here as much as I want, right, Lilys?" He asked the toddler, who nodded and smiled at her favourite uncle apart from Ian, though she liked the two of them.
"Okay, I'm going to take Elijah for a walk so you two can catch up," he informed. He went back to the room with Elijah and got them both ready before leaving. Not forgetting to kiss his wife on the cheek and declare his love for her and the little girl she was holding.
"So, did you think about a way to do so? I mean, after the years you have been together, it needs to be something big," she explained.
"Ahh, not really. That's why I came here. You met Ian way before I did, so maybe you can help me along."Mickey spoke as she hummed and started to think.
"He still does puzzles all the time, right?"
"Our living room is filled with boxes of unsolved or solved ones that he just kept," Mickey informed.
"Oh, what if you get him one of these custom-made puzzles with the question?"
"What now?" Mickey called. Mandy shook her head and smiled, looking over at her daughter. "Lily, can you get Mommy her phone? I want to show your uncle something cool."The little girl jolted with excitement and ran towards the kitchen to get her mother's phone.
"Thank you, pumpkin," she smiled, coddling back into her arms.
Mandy quickly opened her phone and went to the Instagram app, opening her last saved posts. Then showed it to Mickey.

 Then showed it to Mickey

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"And how do I get this?" Mickey asked Mandy, thinking for a second "I think John can make it!"

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"And how do I get this?" Mickey asked Mandy, thinking for a second "I think John can make it!".
"Isn't he a constructor?" Mickey asked.
"He is, but! He can make it; you saw him at work; the guy is a genius," she said proudly.
"Alright, if not, I'll find someone who can make it. I have to go ring shopping.
"You're going now to get the freaking ring, and I'm going to get John to start work on the puzzle," she declared, using her foot to push him off the couch.
"Ouch geez I'm going" he stood up and left.

A few hours later, he found himself on his way back to Mandy and John's with a rung in his pocket.
"Mandy, I'm here," he called as Lily saw him and jumped happily towards him.
"Hey, Lil, How are you, girl? Where are your parents?"
"Mommy, Uncle Micksy is here," she called.
Mandy appeared from the outside door of their garden area, with John standing behind her with a box in his hand.
"What's all of that?" He was confused.
John walked towards him and handed him the box, saying "Open it". Mickey quickly followed the instructions and found a similar model to the one Mandy had shown him early that day.
"Oh, nice, thanks guys," he smiled at the two who hugged him.
"May I see the ring now?" Mandy asked restlessly.
Mickey pulled out of his back pocket the ring box and handed it to the due. Inside the box was a single golden band that was shining its glory around the room.
"Omg, Mick, this is so cute." She smiled, kissing her brother's cheek.
"I like it; it looks nice," John replied.
Mickey then took the ring back from his sister and put it back in his back pocket.
"So when are you going to propose to him exactly?" John asked.
"Not sure. I thought maybe on his birthday or something," Mickey replied, and he nodded.
"That's like tomorrow, Mick!" Mandy called.
"Well, thank God, I'm prepared now, huh?"

The next day Mickey woke up Ian like every birthday morning they shared for the past ten years now. A quick shower, and then headed for breakfast. Ian got a few calls from his family greeting him for his special day because not every day you're 25 years old. And they knew what was about to happen, so they were over the moon. After they finished their breakfast, Ian would usually take an hour and a half before work to work on his puzzle, but Mickey called him out instead.
"I want to give you your present before you go with your puzzle."
"Oh, Mick, you don't have to get me anything." Ian smiled, kissing his cheek.
"Shut up, I know you love it," Mickey called, smiling back.
"I do, actually," he chuckled softly.
"Okay, you go sit at the table. I'm going to get your present." Ian nodded, smiling at the other man, and sat at the kitchen table. Mickey walked inside their shared table and dug out the present from their mess of a closet. Then he got the ring from its hidden place and put it in his back pocket before returning to the kitchen area.
I saw Ian in anticipation, waiting for him.
"Here you go," he smiled, giving him the box. Ian carefully undone the bow tie on top of it and saw the wooden curved puzzle placed carefully inside of it.
"Mick," he said softly.
"Solve it; let's see what you get," he challenged. Ian nodded softly and started to solve his present.
Twenty minutes later, Ian's face was lit with tears as he read the words, Will you merry me? From the corner of his eye he saw Mickey getting down on one knee and then turning to face him.
"Gallagher, I'm not very great with speeches; that's why I used the puzzle, but I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so what do you say? Wanna marry me?" he asked.
"Yeah," Ian chuckled softly, "I'll marry you." Mickey smiled, kissing Ian's lips quickly, before pulling in the ring over his finger.
"I love you so fucking much."
"I love you too, dork."

Hey guys hope you all alright and stay safe
Love ya❤️

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