Chapter Six ~ Lily Evans

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(image by @artemisdracn on ig)

James Potter: Saturday 6th September 1975


"James... can I borrow you?". it was Lily.

"of course you can Lils!" James yelled over the loud music. Lily led him out of the common room. his head hurt from drinking already but he was sober enough to see his hand being taken by lily.

"James I really have to tell you something," lily began, slowly. James paused, realising this was serious and attempted to straighten his glasses.

"what's wrong?" he asked.

"my sister she... James she's getting married," lily murmured, avoiding eye contact with James. he pulled her towards him and hugged her as tightly as possible.

"isn't that a good thing?" asked james. lily sniffed.

"she told mother to tell me she doesn't want me there,".

James pulled lily off him gently and cupped her face in his hands. he dried her tears.

"well that's fine Lils. a sister who doesn't see how amazing you are doesn't deserve you at all. we all, here at Hogwarts, see your self worth and your sister has no right to make you hate yourself, my love,".

James saw fields of summer when he looked into her pretty green eyes. he couldn't stop staring. and because of this he couldn't stop himself from allowing their lips to meet in a soft and gentle kiss.


Sunday 7th September 1975


"prongs! lily! you finally decided to show up!" Sirius called, ecstatically from the table. lily giggled and James smiled.

"we did, padfoot. even the best of people need breakfast," he stated.

"right you are, noble sir," Sirius said, grinning. James grinned back at him before turning to lily.

"how do we tell them?" he whispered. she sighed.

"it doesn't need to be a big thing potter. I'll tell the girls and you tell the boys," said lily. James smiled at her.

"I can't stop staring at you lils seriously and it's only 9 in the morning," James breathed. lily placed a soft kiss on his cheek and giggled.

"you're sweet, James," she murmured.

"Does someone want to explain?" asked Marlene, raising an eyebrow at the pair. James laughed.

"well lils, that's yours. I'll do these ones,". lily smirked before turning to Marlene and Mary. James then pointedly turned to Remus, Sirius and Peter.

"well, its what it looks like I guess. we're going out. she just admitted her feelings for me last night," James said. Sirius leaned over the table to highfive him and Peter gave him a thumbs up.

Between these interactions, James noticed that Remus, who was beside him was watching the Slytherin table. and when he looked over, James was met with the grey eyes of Regulus Black.

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