Chapter Twelve ~ Drunk Mistake

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Regulus Black: Saturday 20th October 1975

TW: underage drinking


Regulus was nearly at breaking point.

Actually to some extent he was far past breaking point but that was for the drunk aspect of things. In terms of a certain James Potter however, he was only nearly there.

They were both drunk off their arses and lying on a slightly extended sofa together in the corner of the room. Despite the Slytherin common room generally being cold, it was absolutely scorching temperature in the room and James kept running his slightly cooler hands on Regulus' baby-textured-skin stomach. And it was driving him insane. Actually it was driving him alot of things. Insane was only miniscule compared to the intense amount of lust building up inside him. The music in the room wasnt helping with the thumping in his head.

An hour and a half minutes prior...
"Regulus!" James grinned as Regulus came in through the large double doors to the common room.

"Hi James," Regulus said loudly over the music. James smiled even wider.

"You excited? You're like- the reason this party's even happening," said James. Regulus raised an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't say I'm the reason i would just say I'm one of the heaviest contributors," Regulus said. James smirked.

"heaviest contributors?". Regulus nodded.

"Yes Potter, heaviest contributors," He said, chin high. James laughed. Regulus rolled his eyes. Regulus decided to ignore the fact that they had not spoken since earlier on when James admitted he had a crush on a boy. He had changed the topic accidentally and now he didn't know how to get it out of James who the boy was. He was also struggling to ignore the feeling of jealousy he felt when he thought of James with another man.

See Regulus wasn't at all willing to acknowledge his feelings for James nor was he willing to tell James about them but he was more than willing to daydream about the man as if he even stood a chance with him in the future.

"Reggie?" James called his name now, looking concerned.


"I asked you if you want anything to drink," James said. Regulus shrugged.


"You look beautiful tonight, by the way," said James, smiling. Regulus rolled his eyes.

"I know," he said. James smirked. "I guess to some extent, yes you do as well,".

"Really? I wanted to look nice for you actually," James said. Regulus flushed.

"Well... good execution," he muttered.

"Thank you, your highness. Do you have any other compliments to woo me with?" He asked, jokingly but Regulus could think of at least 100. His eyes. His hair. His skin. The gold chain that brought out his eye colour.

"Bien sûr mon amour. Tes yeux me rappellent le soleil et tes cheveux, un nid d'oiseau bien rangé," said Regulus. James stopped walking. Regulus glanced at him.

1975 ~ JegulusWhere stories live. Discover now