Chapter Four

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"Leslie" In a shushed tone he wakes the little man.

"Leslie!" he whispered louder as the little boy wakes up, startled by him.

"Oh good morning bro," Smiling in a sleepy way as he try to put his gaze up on his brother while adjusting his eyes to how dark the room was.

He was about to speak when a voice interrupts him. "Where is the chocolate, Rane! You promised!"

Confused, Leslie looks behind his brother's figure and squinted his eyes to see make out a grumpy George who is impatiently looking at the duo.

"We'll get there. Just shut up for a minute." Rane sternly says and looks directly at Leslie.

"I know you're a bit confused, but remember that walkie talkie I brought from one time?"

Leslie nods at the memory, Rane came back from the outside to get food but when he came home, he had a weird joyful smile even though he had a large black-eyed.

He dismissed it as a hit from something on his way back and then he showed Leslie the walkie-talkie that would help them in times of need.

"You said it'd help us in times of need"

He yawns because of the comfort his bed had.

It was the first time for Leslie to sleep so eagerly ever since 'it' and he was so happy about it because he could finally be able to not wake up anxious because maybe his brother left him again in that dark apartment.

Nevertheless, now he was in a place with many new children that had their parents taken just like him and his brother.

"Yes, yes though technically it's not really for that though," Rane clears his throat and kneels on the floor, "It's for calling people from a big friend group outside."

"A big 'friend group?'"

"Yes, and they called me that they need food but we didn't have any supplies at the apartment so I got George here to get us their food supply room's key."

"H-how did you know that, no, how did you know he'd know where the key is and what do you mean by we're getting their food supply—"

"We're taking their food" Rane drops on the now growing scared Leslie, "We are getting out of this place and take some—"

"What! That's not what we traded! You said I'd show you the supply room and you'd get some 'chocolates' that were in your bag!" George angrily butts in at their conversation and glares at the big fellow who was twice his size.

"Shut up Georgie. Like that big missy would take your ass again for betraying her trust. You've already told me some of the things going around here so shut up and stop whining cause no one here is gonna take you back."

George whimpers at his harsh words and starts stomping his feet and that alerted the heavy sleeper around them, which was Amber who was beginning to stir.

"Shush, no don't—" Rane panicked,

"No! You shush! I am going to tell!" George runs out and Rane looks at his brother apologetically and runs after the crying George in the hallways.

George bumps into a person in the hallway and he looks up to see whom it is and finds their Miss Lyle, who was now frowning at him.

"George... Where have you been?" She says but he only sinks into her jacket and hugs her tightly while he whimpers and cries at the same time.

Rane caught up with George only to find the little eight year-old in Lyle's arms who catches his figure that was now retreating but Jesse catches him.

"Why. Good morning Rane, it is so early for both of you to play tag."

"H-haha, Good Morning Miss Lyle" Rane greets her as Jesse gets them both closer to Lyle's distance.


Lyle picks George up and held him up securely into her arms,

"Put him in the janitor's closet and put everyone in his room to sleep because I know for sure he went to his brother's sleeping area."

"Yes, I'll do that. Miss Lye" Jesse said dismissively and left to do what he was told.

Lyle watches the two disappear in the hallway and she decides to go to her office with a asleep George in her arms.

She sighs at the little boy and shrugs her anger off to let the stress not get into her head again. She'll decide on what to do with the turnip head that tried to trick little kids.

They reach the office and Lyle put him in her sleeping bag and sat slowly on her swivel chair not waking up the light sleeper in her space.

"What a troubling problem to start the day...."

As the sun started to rise, the kids started to wake up, some still sleeping and some still half-awake but started to clean their spaces in each of the classrooms within the Zenny's Preschool.

Lyle made sure that they get to clean up after themselves but some of them still don't do it because, well, they're still kids.

Jesse and Sherry sleeps in the faculty room with the older kids that were now waking up from the ruckus outside.


"No Mom, it's still seven o'clock," He mumbles and covers his face with his arm.

"Miss Lyle is starting to cook up breakfast again.... You know she burns the rice"

"No Mom. She doesn't... she's a good dog" He chuckles.

"I didn't know I was a canine?"

"Yeah, hehehe...." Jesse giggles to himself and gets slapped on his shoulder as he abruptly sits up from his sleep. "Wha—"

"I know night patrol is bad for you kiddos and that's why I told that I will take on each night patrol from now on but you disagreed," Lyle sighs and leans on the doorframe. "Get some sleep and you four, see if the little angels are awake."

The four children who she rescued on the highway nodded to her. Fiona, Calvin, Vanny, and Chloe were with their parents when they disappeared in that traffic that day and to this day they shivers as both adults vanished infront of them.

They got lucky that Lyle found them as they were getting out of their car and enough to be in her care right now.

Fiona who was ten years old instructed her siblings to look at each of the babes in the Arts Room of the school.

Four of them sighed in relief, as the babies were sound asleep even though the hallways were loud because of the excitement for breakfast.

Lyle on the other hand is making sure that everything is portioned and fit the description of fun that the kids would eat because all of them are fussy. Moreover, they do not have enough medicine to cure all of them at once.

"Line Up" The kids line up to get their breakfast as she shouts.

"Robert." Little Robert giggles as he sees a tiger on his plate.

"Vanessa" Pouts the little girl as she sees the tiger on her plate.

"Why is it tiger today!" She complains,

"Because that's what the magic wheel says and do we disagree with magic wheel?" Lyle makes them spin the wheel to decide a design on their plate with in a week on each day and it was a great tactic for having each have a chance to pick the design of the day and not create chaos within these little nasty gremlins.

"No" She grumbles and goes to the table.

"Gabriela, Joey, Vanny, Charles," Lyle smiles and gives them each of their food and finishes off with, "Jesse, have you gotten enough sleep for the day?"

"Yeah," Jesse scratches his nape as he avoids Lyle's gaze, "And sorry about that thing I said in the faculty roo—"

"Shush... Kid, I know I'm old but I bite also so it's fine now go enjoy your breakfast... Where is Sherry by the way?" Lyle removes her hairnet and apron.

"With the babies, maybe she's feeding them." Jesse said and Lyle nods at him. 

She gives them one last glance before heading to the Arts Room.

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