Chapter Eight

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Lyle, Jesse and Sherry gave the teens a fine amount of supplies for their giveaways to other Abandoned as they call themselves.

“You know you do not have to call yourselves that way… You kids still need hope and I hoped, prayed every damned night that your parents are fine and the others.” She sighs as the boys just show her a solemn expression. “Or might as well keep being strong—Agh—Dammit, I can’t sugar coat our situation because you five have seen the aftermath because of this mission you all made for yourselves—which is good! But wrong at the same time—” she groans as she loses her mind on what to say to these poor kids. “Just, be safe out there okay? For me? Or just for yourselves and the others, understood?”

Lyle gives them a proud smile and they just sigh and nod at her trying to lighten their mood before going to give supplies.

They all get in their van and 15 year-old Ray was driving it while waving Lyle goodbye by the gate where she was standing for a few minutes as the van finally went out of view. ‘Those are strong kids…’ She says in her mind, thinking of how strong those kids were to be this capable of doing this for the others they just met.

Lyle sighs and shakes her head and mustered up the courage to close the gate because those kids weren’t coming back in an instant because of how many buildings they had to go to.

She turns and looks at her new home and hideout with a few kids inside. ‘I’m gonna get to the bottom of this but I need to put these kids first before venturing out and it’s also risky considering there are now gangs and psychotic teens on the loose.’ She said determined to find out the real truth about this once and for all.

“Miss Lye! Miss Lye! Georgie is wasting the water again!” Lyle whips her head to the entrance door and there stood a soaked Rosie grinning from ear to ear, “And Jesse and Sherry are nawt helping because the Nines are crying.”

‘What a long day we going to have,’ she groans and runs inside, fixing the problems at hand and resolving it so that peace and quiet can reign the halls of this old preschool her ‘kids’ called their new home for a while.

Four weeks later after the Abandoned visits the Zenny’s Preschool. Lyle has problems for their supplies due to the fact that their running out and the toddlers are getting taller by the day, so their old outfits are getting hard to fit and the Nines or the babies are also growing by the day. Jesse and Sherry volunteers to go out and look for food and supplies they need but Lyle declines.

“You both need to stay here and I’ll take the van outside so that I could fit in, another load of supplies that we need, just make sure the plants are growing and the kids are safe and not getting into chaos. Okay? I trust you both to keep and safe guard and don’t let anyone in without my permission. Let them state their business first and be strong and do not be swayed, am I clear?” She sternly says and they both nod at her while still having worry for her safety.

“But what about the abandoned and Rane?” Sherry asked while bouncing the babe in her arms, which had they gave the name Pete because of how he loved the sound of a whistle.

“Rane is still not a threat just don’t let him wander in the CCTV room, the keys and the storage. He also can’t complain, because he doesn’t have the right, he betrayed our trust which he did not have to do when he could’ve just told us his buddies needed supplies and food. He tried to rob us for goodness’ sake!”

Sherry bows her head and Lyle knew she understood where she was coming from. Lyle turns to Jesse and he just nods at her and hugs her tightly.

“Be safe, Miss Lyle.”

“All of you here too. I’ll be quick and you both  should be vigilant while I’m gone.”

Lyle breaks up the hug and looks at both of them. The abandoned hasn’t visited for a while since they’re first and it worries her that something might have gone wrong so she heightened the security defense around the outside for the last two weeks with glass on the grass in front of the walls and gate. She learned that trick from a clip in Booklize and she hopes it’d be effective really.

Her objective when she goes out is that to find supplies and check the abandoned kids before going home. But she worries for these ones here because of the new information that there is danger. She sighs and walks outside of her office, and goes to the toddler who kept fussing over small things in the garden.

All sixty-three of them—including the four kids the saved from the highway—were watching a caterpillar walk, the other half are discussing some nonsense about the sky being blue not dark blue, and the other ones were contemplating on getting water or snacks.

‘I’ll call you all my kids for now at least, once I find the truth.’ She laughs as shakes her head and whistles to get their attention. “Okay, listen up you little twerps! I am going outside again! So! What would you all request to bring?”

They all gaze at her and some started having they’re palms on their chins like they thinking it over. ‘Okay? Weird habit’ Lyle said to herself, “They got it from you.” Sherry says with a chuckle as she stands beside her with the baby sleeping in her arms.

“Hey, I don’t do that chin thinking thing!” She said defensively and Sherry just chuckles. The murmurs started and they all concluded amongst themselves on what she should bring for them.

Lyle said to them last time she was out getting a few supplies that were needed that she can’t get all of they’re wants so she talks to them about discussing what they think they need or want and put them on a list for her to bring but to her surprise today, they only asked for one thing for all them.

Comeback safely, Miss Lye.

They said and hugged her waist. She teared up at the thought that they were worried. “I will… Just don’t go causing trouble okay?” She said and kneels to the ground tries to hug all of them.

She’s got a bad feeling about this supply outing, so maybe they too felt her worry and fear. She stands up and grabs her bag from Jesse, who stands beside Sherry which both had a concerned expression.

“Hey.. There aren’t zombies outside you know, just psychotic adolescent people. So don’t worry I can handle them. Just keep our fort strong while I’m gone and—” She looks around and sees Rane coming out from his room and walks up to him, startling the heck out of his sleepy state while Jesse and Sherry look at each other go to the garden.

“—You don’t go around causing any trouble for my sake and your brother Leslie’s.” She sternly said as she looks down at this teenager who kept defying her gaze.

“Because if I ever hear Sherry, Jesse, and my whole school in trouble because of your yet another stupid antics then you might as well hide.” Rane nods yet still defies her gaze but as she looks to his hands, they trembled as he grips them tightly.

“What you did last time almost put a bullet on your friend’s skull and you tried to rob us of supplies were already short of so do not think I put a blind eye of your actions from being able to breath here because I am still disappointed.”

Rane bows his head and Lyle leaves him be. Walking towards the exit a pair of small hands surprises her from the back. “Thank you for my brother, Miss Lye.”

She knew it was Leslie and she pats his hands and they let go of her. She doesn’t look back and starts opening the gate. Lyle breaths in and out before closing it again and getting the white van they hijacked last time that was parked right across the street.

 ‘Welp, better start the treasure hunt.’ She says to herself while the engine revives.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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