Chapter Seven

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"Rane! Do you copy?!" The boy with the black leather jacket shouts at his walkie talkie due to the frustration on not getting back a reply.

"Ranester Calvin! Hey dude! We're out here in front of that dumb kindergarten! Where are you!"

"Damn, its cold out here, Ray... Maybe we should go back—" One of the boys, Ion, whines but was soon cut by the sudden call back from the walkie talkie.

"H-hello? Guys? Are you outside?" A gaspy voice call back on the medium.

"Yeah, We're outside.. what's the hold up  in there? I thought you had a food supply found out to sustain the gang?" He replies back and a long beep goes before the voice he was speaking to changes into a feminine voice that sends chills to his spine.

"Boys... Settle down we've got the hours to spare so why don't y'all be nice and let me see what you have in your pockets? Now wouldn't that be nice, right? Hmm?" She replied sweetly  at them. "We'd let you in if you want! But we've got some ground rules and only adults are allowed to have weapons inside."

Ray smugly scoffs, "There are no adults! Your probably just a 16 year old making your voice bigger to scare us!"

"Stubborn... No, we don't like that." She sighs and continues, "You really are hardheaded kids... Let them in—" A voice cuts in, "But Miss Lye!"

"What the fuck?"

"Urgh, Just come in but just by the front lawn... dammit..." Annoyance was evident in the caller's voice.

Ray looks at the his crew who too, exchanged confused looks and was startled when the front gate opens.

The boy looks ahead and sees a tall figure exiting the building. Red hair and blue eyes with a stern look on the person's face was what made Ray stop his feet and the others to a halt too.

"So, you jus' standing there or what?" Lyle yells and crosses her arms because of all these teens on her front yard.

'Shit... She really was an adult.' They all thought to themselves and gulped down as the figure slowly strides towards them. "Look, I have a whole school to feed and if you all also want to be spoon fed because of what happened to your natural guardians then count me—"

"Thank God!" A teen runs and hugs her cuts her off as he begins to soak her shirt with his tears, "F-finally, G-god h-hasn't left us to die.." He says in between his tears.

"Jay..." Ray grips his pants to stop himself for crying too as his other members cry and  run to hug their sense of 'relief' in this horrific scenario. "H-hey.. W-where did all the tough nonsense go?"

Lyle was very confused at the turn of events and just patted all of them on the head. While all of this was happening, the other children inside started going out of their rooms and saw the scene outside. They all started going teary and cried as if they've also has been holding back to not worry their guardians.

Lyle is now fumbled on what to do because all the toddlers inside were crying and she was still in a tangled situation with these boys who kept hugging her for dear life. Then Sherry and Jesse comes into view  as they both go out from the CCTV room and  she pleads with her eyes to help her.

They both handle the kids and instructs them to do whatever.

"You all draw or play, just don't go over here because Miss Lyle has visitors to settle down as well, understand?" Sherry said and they all nodded while still sniffling their snots. Jesse guides them and gets art materials from the Art Room while being silent to not wake up the nine infants inside that wasn't disturbed by the ruckus outside.

Sniffling and sobs would be heard still, in the yard the all sat don on the grass as they all explained their sides to Lyle who was crossed legged looking at the teens who she were thugs turned out to be just lost boys finding food.

"We were all at school when that happened... teachers suddenly vanished and all the roads that were busy started having smoke in them because of cars crashing... Our class president was trying to calm the other students until the school bullies started to claim the school as theirs." Ray explains,

"Typical teenagers, so what happened?" Lyle mutters and Jay continues.

"We got out after they all started fighting over who'll rule the school and we kinda just became 'rogues' at that point because we went to store after store to find food. And once we confirmed that the while was deserted of adults we just lost hope of ever getting to find peace in this situation. We found other kids and that's why we're dead set on finding food for all the other back at ours."

"Wait, there are other kids besides you lot?" Lyle points out and all of them nods.

"The others stay at their apartments and we just deliver food so that they don't have to starve—" Ron says which Lyle cuts.

"How? Exactly...?"

"Oh! I know this one! Franz here has a whatchamacallit map thingy and he's dad was kind of the mail man!" Charles chimes in and Lyle nods at the sentiment.

"Okay. So let me get this straight... You all have been getting out your way to deliver food to all those children in the city even if you don't know some of them? Have you all checked the cars in the road for kids?"

All of them hesitantly nod, not sure why she was asking the question as if it's a weird thing to do and Lyle just gasps. "Are you sure your not joking because lying is fucking bad, I tell you.."

"No..." Ron shake his head, "After we established a kind of ford in Charles house which was a big mansion by the way. We kind of checked the road for kids but some just passed inside because of the air inside and they stopped moving after all the hours inside the car. We have been getting nightmares often because of it but we couldn't do anything anymore and just moved on."

Lyle just looks at the them and they were all confused of her reaction while she surprises them with a hug.

"Woah! I thought we were done hugging lady." Ron muffles as Lyle just squeezes the five of them in a tight hug of gratitude and amazement of how these kids grew up in a matter of  a week."

She stops hugging them and stands up. "Let your van in and close the gate gently because the neighborhood is sensitive and it echoes all around."

Nodding at her was all they could muster as she sighs.

"Come on, let's get you boys some rest before sending you with amount of food supply you could share to all the other kids you've reached out.."

"Your not going to say anything else?" Ray asked.

"Nothing can be scolded after all you've five done for the other helpless kids... Your parents taught you all well... and that more than enough to trust and rely on you lot."


"You are all stronger than me even if I'm the only adult here. I am proud and I know wherever your parents are, they're also proud to have amazing kids like you..." She smiles and they smile back at her as the silence becomes a moment of happiness for both sides.


A short chapter yet again... Hi Author here.. Hope you liked this chapter.

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