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A young man was just on his way home from work, walking through the bustling street of people hurrying to go home, whether to meet up with their love one, to eat dinner together as a lovely family or to just go to bed and get the day over with. Nevertheless, these people all had their purpose and goals in life.

The winter is cold but when winter came, people usually looked forward to Christmas and the warm it bring along the way, their job would give them some holiday to spend with their family and love one, and after Christmas will be a new year, everyone look forward to those. However, the young man doesn't look all that forward to these holidays, not like his work would give him any, if it does, he would welcome it with open arm. Who doesn't like a holiday?

the young man slowly came to a halt as he pondered about something while taking in this scene, he wasn't in a hurry like the people around him anyways, so he took his sweet time wondering about it as he stood in the middle of the street. occasionally, there would be some glances to him as people walk by, wondering why this good looking man was just standing there, perhaps he's waiting for someone? Even tho he was wearing a mask and had his head slightly down as he dazedly stared at the ground, one would be able to tell that he was quite handsome or pretty to be more precise.

In truth, he wasn't waiting for someone. It wasn't long until the people slowly dispersed and the crowded street became a little desolated, did the man finally stopped pondering as he came to a conclusion. Ah right, I was planning to stock up the fridge this morning since I had to go to bed with an empty stomach last night. I totally forgot, it already night now, hopefully the store hasn't closed yet...

He quickly sprint in the opposite direction from his house to go to the grocery store, without any thoughts in his mind, even when he was crossing the street. So, people don't ever do this reckless action like this pretty young man right here because as he was half way across, the sound of a truck was heard speeding from his left, then came the bright car light shone on his body. Just as he turned his head to look in the direction of the truck...


Time seems to have slowed. The man's pupils shrank at the surreal situation, but other than that man seems quite calm, no, he seems like he doesn't feel anything, no sorrow, no resentment. Perhaps, he just thought there's no use for such energy-consuming emotion.

Ah, this is going to hurt..


Well, he's not wrong about that, you could hear the crackling of bone from his body.

The few people that were left on the emptied street, heard the commotion and quickly made their way towards the direction, some out of curiosity, some out of anticipation to have some thrill in their tedious life, and few determined to get something from the information they'd see at this moment.

The sight they witness was the man's body laying down, on his stomach, in a pool of blood, with some part of his arms and legs bended at an awkward angle.

The truck that hit the man was crashed into a nearby light pole with the driver's on the steering wheel, broken glass shards on the inside of the truck, some on his leg some on the ground. Blood could be seen dripping on his forehead and it seems he's completely knocked out. In spite of that, it was quite merciful compare to someone.

The front of the truck is completely messed up because of the impact of the speed of the truck and it's collision with the light pole, leaving the pole bended as if it would breaks and collapse at any moment.

It could be speculated, that the driver was very startled when he saw the man running up ahead and quickly press the brakes but to no avail, so he decided to dodge the man instead but that didn't work.

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