chapter 5: Aspen being annoying

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The next morning, Aiden came to wake Reginald up very early just like yesterday, so that Reginald could prepare himself and have breakfast in the dinning room with the twin.

Since the duke and duchess is not at home right now, there's no reason for him to go.

Reginald told his butler to just his breakfast to his room. Since it doesn't matter whether he shows up to the dinning room or not anyway, just let him sleep some more.

Aiden was a little troubled, it would consider to be bad-mannered if he just had food brings to his chamber when he could formally walk on his own to the dinning room to have breakfast with his family.

Aiden tried to gently persuade the young master to reconsider but to no avail.

In the end, Reginald gets to sleep until 7:20AM where he had no choice but to wake up if he didn't want to be late. (He doesn't really mind tbh)

He arrives at school at exactly 7:55AM just enough time for him to walk to class, which should takes 3 minutes but due to special circumstances, it takes precisely 10 minutes for Reginald.

Do I need to explain the special circumstances?

Everything was rolling just like yesterday, one thing that's different though, it's that, he is able to located his classroom now, even though it took some time but it's definitely faster than yesterday.

As he made his way to his seat, he felt a tap on his arm. He turned his head to see Aspen's brightly smiling face.

Reginald narrowed his eyebrows and Aspen stated his reason for stopping him, "good morning, why are you so grumpy when the sun has just rised."

Why are you so cheery when it's just 8 in the morning?

Reginald didn't want to act like they know each other, so he just slightly nods his head and quickly sat down on his seat.

That interaction didn't go unnoticed by their classmates. As soon as Reginald sat down, whispers started to engulf the class.

Neither Aspen nor Reginald paid them any mind. As one start to exchange a few words with his neighbor seatmate, opened his book and wait for the teacher earnestly, while the later put his arm on the table to rest his head on it and starts to fall asleep.

And soon enough Reginald falls into the land of slumber.

Surprisingly enough, he was woken up, not by the weird gazes, the noisy whisper nor the ringing bell dedicates the end of class, but by Aspen who shook him awake.

"..what." irritated, Reginald asked.

"Hey! It's break time, how long are you going to sleep?!"

"Is it lunchtime?" If it is, then perhaps, Reginald overreacted a bit.

Aspen felt a little awkward by the hints of hopefulness in his voice and hesitantly continues, "..No, it's 9:02AM. I want you to come find Purry with me. I've brought her stuff and I'm planning on making her a little place to sleep."

Reginald is aggravated, "why are you asking me? Do that yourself, it- she's your pet."

"You asked the principal for me, so couldn't you go out of your ways to do this little thing for her?"

"Yes, I can't. I said it in the office didn't I? I won't be taking responsibility."

Aspen couldn't argue with that so he decided to curse him instead, "how could you be so heartless, you scum?"

Why are you talking to the scum in the first place?

A vein could be seen popping out on Reginald forehead. Next to him, Aspen was still jabbering about how cold-hearted he's being right now. It doesn't look like he'd go away anytime soon.

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