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"Harper." Jenson calls to me as he closes the door leaving us alone.

"Stay away from me." I say with panic as I turn but find I'm trapped against a wall with nowhere to escape as I rip off my mask and take a big gasp of air to try and calm my racing heart.

"Answer the fucking question." Jenson suddenly roars making me yelp as I freeze then slowly look back at him. "I deserve to know, Harper." He rants as if pained. "After you ran from me in the gallery that night in New York. After I then heard you fucking tell your mum how much you loved Jackson-fucking-Eastwood but would never be a Gamma's mate... did you come back to look for me?"

"You... you heard that? Oh god, that's why you left. That's why you hate Jackson so much." I whisper with shock as I put a hand to my mouth.

"Answer the god-damn-question. Did you come back, did you try to find me?" Jenson growls. "Admit you felt the pull. Admit that you wanted me."

"Yes." I whisper as Jenson takes a step back with pain written across his face before scrubbing both his hands through his hair with frustration then anger as he slumps down on a nearby seat looking broken.

"Meeting you that night, it totally threw me, Jenson. I was so in love with someone else at the time it consumed me. I was always convinced that my wolf pulled to him. But then... when I met you... and it was there... as soon as you touched my face, I felt it. The pull. The real pull and I panicked. I wasn't ready to give Jackson up... so I ran." I whisper as Jenson looks away and I see his hand curl up in anger.

"But as soon as I got outside and was about to drive away, I just couldn't...  I had to see you again. So, I ran back inside, I went into the gallery, and you were gone. I ran around every inch of that fucking ballroom like a manic pushing away my father's warriors when they were trying to get me back outside. But nothing. You just disappeared. My parents were so angry saying I was causing a scene not understanding why I was acting out yet again. Acting like a brat, yet again, but I didn't care. I kept ignoring them as I went from room to room until my dad literally picked me off my feet and carried me out towards the entrance but even then, I thrashed in his arms till he let me go and snatched the guest list off some bitchy hostess. I even shoved her to the floor when she tried to take the list back off me. I looked for your name, but nothing. No one called 'Toby' was listed. You totally disappeared... as far as I knew you didn't want me otherwise you'd have come to find me, you would never have left. I wasn't the only one that ran away... so, I made myself forget about you... I made myself hate you for leaving and not coming after me and I never really trusted my wolf instincts again after that."

"So, this is all my fault? I'm the prick here?" Jenson seethes as he springs up onto his feet slamming his palms against the wall either side of my head making me yelp. "Do you have any fucking idea how angry I am with you. Do you?" He roars right in my face as tmy wolf whines in my head. "I would have fucking loved you so much Harper. I would have given anything to be with you, anything. And if that wasn't enough you then you go ahead and get marked by my own fucking brother! But I'm the bad guy! I'm the prick, is that right?"

"Wait, did you know who I was? For two years, did you know who I was and where to find me the whole time?" I growl back, pushing him back out of my space.

Jenson's jaw tense up, but he doesn't deny it as I scoff at disbelief at him with my hands on my hips. "How dare you do this to me tonight of all nights. The masks, the theatrics. You want me to say this is all my fault? Would that make you feel better? I was seventeen fucking years old when we met and you could have saved me from misery if you'd just came after me. I get you were pissed from what you overheard but If you had come to my pack I would have jumped into your arms and left with you that very day but instead... what... you've been fucking your way through sluts and i'm supposed to feel sorry for you?"

"I fucked those girls because I craved something I couldn't have." Yells Jenson getting back into my face until I'm back up against the wall again. "I daresay you've been fucking your way through every wolf in Red River."

I give Jenson a huge slap across his face as my golden wolf eyes burn at the disrespect. "I am a lot of things Jenson Lancaster. I'm stubborn. Impulsive. At times I am a little selfish and I know I'm as hot headed as my dad but one thing I'm not is a slut. I kept myself for my mate. There's been no one but Taylor and for you to even think that I'd act that way shows me just how wrong you are for me." I yell as I see Jenson run another agitated hand through his hair before he curses then grabs a nearby vase and launches it across the room in frustration making me jump.

"Fuck. I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have said that. That's not how I see you at all." Jenson says quietly, his voice thick with emotion. "You wanna know the truth? I regret everything, I regret not coming for you. Not having you in my bed every night but most of all I fucking can't stand seeing my brothers mark on your neck where mine should be, it drives me the brink of fucking insantity when I look at it on you." Jenson whispers as he looks down to my neck and I see his eyes glass up with emotion.

"Jenson, I'm so sorry. I guess we never got the timing right." I say quietly as my wolf whines in my head and my heart floods with sadness.

"Do you love him? Do you love my brother?" He whispers as he slowly reaches up and strokes my face so tenderly it leaves goose pimples on my skin.

"Jenson, please don't do this." I whisper.

"It's a simple fucking question, Harper. Do you love him?" Jenson says again, his lips so close to mine now as he leans in and his scent hits me hard. "Because I never stopped loving you." He murmurs against my lips.

"Oh, goodness. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." A woman's voice dripping with insincerity interrupts us as Jenson quickly retreats from me and I see the housekeeper stand with her arms crossed over and an evil grin on her lips.

"Lucy, this isn't a good time." Jenson growls as I watch the biggest gossip in this pack look at me like she's just won the lottery to find me and the Gamma in such a compromising position.

"Apologies for the interruption." Lucy smirks as her eyes look over the broken vase before looking me over as my cheeks burn up. "But I thought Lady Harper might want to know where her mate is."

"Taylors here?" I say breathlessly as my heart starts to pick up pace whilst Jenson looks away as if pained then runs another hand through his hair.

"Oh yes, he's been here for over an hour. He's in his office." Lucy says sickly sweet.

"An hour?" I snap at her. "So why the fuck didn't he escort me to the dance?"

"Oh, I'm sure he would have... but he got a little distracted... I guess he just lost track of time enjoying catching up with my niece." She smiles.

My wolf growls loudly in my head as my eyes go wide. Taylors alone with Ella Scott.

"Ella's here?" Jenson says quietly, his face unreadable.

"Oh yes and she looks quite lovely even with her scars, or at least Beta Taylor seemed to think so." Smirks Lucy.

Was this Jenson's doing? 

I turn to look at Jenson with an accusatory glare, but I'm surprised when I see him marching off towards Taylors office.

"I guess I should get someone to clear up this mess. Do have a good evening Lady Harper." Smirks the housekeeper as I growl at her then race off to follow Jenson.

I practically have to jog to catch up with him, before I grab his arm and stop him going any further.

"Did you do this? Bring her here?!" I seethe. "That's what you went off to do the other day? What do you think, you can just bring his first love back and trade mates!?"

Jenson grabs my arm and brings me up close to his face.

"You don't get it, if Ella Scott is here Taylor is in serious danger. She's not what you think she is." Jenson growls as my mouth drops open. "Come on, before it's too late."

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