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As I look sideways, my wolf howls with happiness as we run next to the most perfect white wolf either of us have seen as she yips excitedly then races forward daring us to chase her.

And she's ours.

As soon as Jenson was taken back to the pack house to start his recovery and I got an update that Kit was doing ok. I commanded Toby to look after the pack house the night and keep it locked down until the morning when I will return to take back control. But for this evening, whilst I'm still a live wire of energy the only place safe enough for me to be is with my mate back in our little lakeside lodge. 

There's so fucking much to talk through and work out after what went down this evening; Ella, Jenson, the attack on Kit, but tomorrow can fucking wait. I'll be nowhere but at my mate's side this evening.

Surprising me, Harper shifted into her snow-white wolf and has been leading us home this last half hour showing no fear whatsoever to be with me or my wolf. Something has changed within her; I can feel her confidence and authority radiating off her aura like she's finally found herself and her place in this pack. She sure as hell is no longer the same bratty girl I found in a hotel room on my birthday, drugged up after stealing my car. It's more than clear now that Harpers thrived in this pack regardless of what she's been through to get to this point.  I thought for sure she'd want my wolf caged up after all I've done, but instead she's encouraged him to burn off some more energy and run with her which has instantly calmed him.

And my wolf loves it.

As we pass into another clearing, Harper's wolf slows as she looks around not knowing the route home as my wolf comes to stand at her side then gently rubs his snout against hers lovingly before licking her face. Harper's white wolf purrs happily before nuzzling against my black fur in response. Every doubt and fear I had about Harper choosing to be with my brother over me melted away the instant she told me she loved me. She pulled me back from the abyss just in time, always lighting my way home.

Nudging her gently into the right direction, her wolf springs forward excitedly and I dart forward to be at her side once more. I could easily outrun her, but what's the point of that, this is what I've always wanted. Just her presence makes my wolf feel at peace and I regret not running them out together earlier. I can feel our bond flexing and strengthening once more as we come out of the forest and run parallel to the shoreline of the lake towards our home. It doesn't take long before it comes into view; the home I built so many years ago never really expecting I'd ever actually have someone to share it with, let alone the little firecracker of a mate who's at my side. Yet here we are. We made it.

I let Harper pull away first as I slow and watch her snow-white wolf leap onto the porch before she instantly shifts. Her golden locks of hair almost look like it's glowing in the moonlight as she throws me a sultry smile then crooks her finger for me to come to her. For once, I don't have to fight my wolf and shift with ease. As I change back, I stand panting at the bottom of the porch steps as my eyes roam my flawless naked mate body and I can't stop a growl rumble in my chest with approval.  She's always been a beauty but tonight she takes my breath away at how confident and sexy she's being. Smirking Harper tosses her long locks out of her face as she watches me prowl slowly up the steps towards her. I take my time, drink her in. I'm already as hard as a fucking stone when she says the words that make me falter on a step.

"Mark me again." Harper says as my eyes go wide.

"Harper." I whisper as I move closer to her, but she just stares at me with those huge blue eyes of hers, confidence continuing to radiate off.

"I want this. I want you." She says firmly. "You told me you'd make me fall in love with you. That it would be my own free will not to love another and I have Taylor. So, mark me again, one that I won't forget, one that I choose to have."

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