Devin's Bar Mitzvah

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All-american bitch-Olivia Rodrigo~ I feel for every little issue, I know just what you mean

Eden Pov~

The rest of the car
 ride consisted of me being quiet, Aaron occasionally glancing at me, and Andy being a loud mouth.

As soon as we got to the building I ran in to find Stacy and Lydia, whom I found quick.

"Stacy! Lydia!" They turned around to face me and we had a group hug. 

"Hey where've you been?" Stacy asked me.

"Andy had to bring me, then we had to drop by Aaron's to get him." I rolled my eyes at the memory that happened 30 minutes ago.

"You were in the same car as Andy Goldfarb and you didn't tell me?!" 

Of course Stacy was overreacting, again.

Don't get me wrong, I love Stacy with all my heart, well at least half, but that girl needs to understand that just because she has a crush on someone doesn't mean that everyone else is going to act like she's the only one who can be around him.

"It was last minute, I didn't think it was a big deal. Plus! He told Aaron I liked him!"

Nikki and Tara were with us now and they gasped. 

"Oh! My mom actually let me shave my legs this afternoon! First time. SO magical." Nikki exclaimed, I looked down to see her legs redder and dryer than my teachers wife.

"I'm so proud of you Nikki!"

"It burns so bad right now, like somebody wiped wasabi all over my shins."

I giggled a bit but stopped because we all noticed KAM or, Kym, Anya, and Megan.

"Hey Eden" Kym waved at me and I waved back.

Being best friends with Andy meant to be 'friends' with KAM and all the other populars.

"Why do Kym, Anya, and Megan always look so cool?" Tara asked

"They scare me"

"Yeah, you know what else is scary? Nikki's mom is allowing Ronnie and Zaara to drink alcohol!"

We all looked to see them taking shots and by the looks of it, Ronnie and Zaara hated it.

"Yeah, she's trying to be like a cool mom. It's really weird." Nikki said and I saw Stacy staring at Andy.

"Oh my God, Andy Goldfarb looks so cute tonight." 

I looked back to the boys and noticed Aaron filming Andy hitting his opponent with the stick thingy. 

As if on cue Aaron looked in my direction and made eye contact with me for a second before I got spun around by Stacy.

"Do you realize that one day he will be mine, and you two will have cool boyfriends too, and then we'll have a joint wedding and move to adjoining lofts in Tribeca?"

I was still trying to processes what Stacy had said before Lydia spoke up, "In Taylor Swift's building?"

"I'm gonna talk to him"

"what?" "Who?"

"I'm ready"

"You should, Stace. Yeah, you got this. Come with me, please. Eden you can talk to Aaron."

We all followed Stacy to where most of the boys were and I walked over to Aaron but Stacy had gotten talk to by Mateo. I tried to put in a good word for him since I knew he had a crush on Stacy, but Stacy never listens to me.

"Hey Aaron" I said over the music. Aaron put his phone away and walked towards me.

"Hey Eden"

"Stacy was trying to talk to Andy and she  wanted me to talk to you but she never made it to Andy because of Mateo but I still wanted to talk to you. I don't know what about though."

We found a table and sat down just to chat. 

"So was what Andy said true?" 

"Andy says a lot of things what are you talking about?"

"In the car? He said that you like me?"

I felt my cheeks grow hot as he asked that question and looked into my eyes.

"Maybe, maybe not"

"Well I hope it's a maybe because I like you too" Aaron looked down and I was smiling.

When he looked back up he met my eyes and started to lean in a little. 

Our lips were SO close to touching but Zaara screamed making us both jump back and awkwardly stand up.

"Uhm, I think my mom called me. See you at Hebrew school bye Aaron!"

How embarrassing!

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