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Making the bed- Olivia Rodrigo~ Want it, so I got it, did it, so it's done

Eden POV~

We made it back to
the ledge holding hands and a couple of people saw but didn't say anything. 

Aaron pecked my lips before having to go talk with Andy

I went over to Stacy and Lydia with a huge grin on my face.

I didn't even care about what had happen earlier about them not telling me they were invited I was so happy.

"You guys won't believe what just happen!" I squealed but only Lydia glanced at me, giving me a dirty look.

Stacy was looking at Andy and they walked closer to them, ignoring me. 

I put my head down and walked with them towards Andy.

"Yo, we just had soccer, and we kicked St. Catherine's ass, 3-0. Even though their field sucks." Andy announced and we overheard.

"Yeah that field is so lopsided." Stacy said like she was in a trance.

"Yeah, exactly" Andy came over to us, we did our handshake, and turned to Stacy

"How's your head?"

Stacy couldn't answer so Lydia took cover for her.

"It's, um it's still on her body, so"

Yeah, we love that"

"And I'm not barfing, so, yeah." Stacy finally answered for herself

Andy turned to Lydia and held out his hand saying he was Andy and he didn't know that she went to Hebrew school with us.

"I dare on of you guys to jump in!" Aaron yelled.

I smiled as if I was going to jump.

"Jump off the ledge, Aaron? You'd break both legs on impact and your spine." Mateo's smart brain said.

"Yeah, I heard Melissa Quinto's cousin jumped, and she now has to text with her nose, so, no." Kym answered while on her phone

"I'd jump if I didn't have my contacts in" Aaron defended

"I'd be glad to hold them for you" I smiled and a couple people laughed, embarrassing him.

'sorry' I mouthed and he gave me a thumbs up

"I'll do it" Stacy said

Lydia ran over to her saying not to do it but then she did do it.

I felt someone pick me off the ground and I squealed to see Andy.


andy threw me into the water and I was screaming the whole way down.

when I came up Andy yelled something.

"Yo, Stacy just turned the ledge into the Red Sea." 

I looked to see a red pad next to me.

"Come on Stacy they aren't worth our time. NOT FUNNY ANDY!" I yelled up.

Stacy got out of the water before I did and I ran up to her.

"Stacy are you okay?" I kindly asked.

"No! Leave me alone Eden! You're so clingy and annoying! Andy is your friend and you should of helped me out to get with him, instead you're all googly eyes with Aaron. Just leave us alone, and do us all a favor and jump of the ledge with no water"

I tears in my eyes and I ran up the dirt with tears falling.

All I Want- A.P (yasnitmbm)Where stories live. Discover now