Mission Two

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Helping Simon out of the ditch, the others wait for you at the top of the hill. Arriving finally, you didn't let one speak.

"Blow this fuckin place up." You growled

"And Graves?" Soap muttered

"Put his head on a stick." You continued "I want this place in ash."

"We have your team still.." price added

"Where?" You asked helping ghost in the truck

"In the air.." he says following behind

You stood there contemplating.

"Take them down. We're getting out of here."

"Ay.." Gaz spoke channeling to the aircrafts. "Rescue Mission complete... Blow it up."

"Youuuu~ got it!"

Immediately after hearing whirring in the skies above, the air vibrated. You stood in front of Simon as he sat there, gazing into each others eyes. The aircraft's shot up, and back down at an angle. The pilots ejected just as they turned to the building. You placed your hand on the opened door. König helping you keep the door open. A blast of ruble and strong hot wind blew your way rocking the truck.

"On our way to you" Gazs radio spoke.
"We're here" he replied

Your team came out the forest, unbuckling there para shoot, tossing them on the floor. The ride back to the building was quiet. Nothing but the radio on low. All of you looked disheveled and exhausted. Arriving at the building seeing it blown, and broken. Inhabitable. You get out the trucks grabbing the extra pants and putting them on. Still barefoot, you walk over to Graves body. Slightly burned.

"Smells like Barbecue.." Soap scoffed
"Ribs don't sound too bad right now either" you chuckled as you kicked his body.
"Too soon.." he replied
"Oh yeah.." he chuckled some more, turning to Simon as he stood there gazing at the water. You patted his chest refocusing his eyes to you.
"You want to take the pleasure?" You asked
Simon simply looked at Graves body, and took out his knife. You walked off to watch at a distance. Price walks up and gives you a pair a boots from one of dead soldiers.
"Your size" he says handing it to you.
Soap draped a coat over your shoulders. "Not your size but it will do"
You smiled as you put on the boots. It wasn't warm anymore but it's okay.
"I got a stick" König says walking up.
You gesture to Simon as he's cutting off Graves head.
"It's sick.." price whispers
"It'll send a message.." you replied monotoned
"Now you sound like Ghost.." soap added
"Get married already" Gaz laughed "This too much"
You laughed lightly. "Maybe.."

Simon walks up with Graves head on the stick.
"Put it in the front.. easy to see for anyone to come" you said walking behind Simon
"In the middle?" He asked

"Yes." You replied

Seeing Simon stab the ground with the stick. Putting rocks around it to keep it stable. Price gets back in the truck and starts it.
"Back to base.." he says
Everyone climbs in, now getting some comfort. You sit back and look out the window. Simon next to you. Quiet again. You start to drift off. Feeling Simon grab you and lift his arm around you.

"Thank you.." he whispers
You smiled weakly and you bury your face into his chest, grabbing arm and wrap it tighter around you. He wraps his other arm around you, concealing your face and hugs you. Feeling him take off his mask. Gaz and Soap gasp playfully.

"We're going to take a small break at the base before we go for someone else.." price announced "second mission?" König asked
"Yeah.. we're not done." Price says calmly

Simon kisses your head and lays his head on yours. Both of you fall asleep together.

(Taking Small hiatus! Will be back October 22th)

Simon"Ghost"RileyXReader 🍋Where stories live. Discover now