~7 Years Later~

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König got married.
Gaz too.
Soap as well.
Price revealed he was married, but widowed. He never did tell us how, or why. He never got married again. He said a piece of him died with her too.
"The part where I can love again"  He said. Sad but it was sweet.

You and Simon got married on the beach side with all the members of the Task Force, their spouses. You found out you was pregnant during a mission. A text from your doctor with confirming results. Shocking you to the core, you told him after the mission was done and back at base. What you did was; pulling up the screenshot on your phone and just passed it to him as if it was nothing. He looked up at you with eyes of worry and shock.

"What?" He whispered in disbelief.

You shrugged, taking your phone back; looking down at the results.

"Y/N?" He said softly "really?"

His voice chocked, almost squeaked. You knew he was either already crying or going to.

"Yeah.. it's real.." you replied, eyebrows softened at the sight of him crying.

Smiling. He was. It was muffled behind his mask but visible. He quickly steps to you and hugged you tightly. "My god...since when?" He breathily asked

"It's been a couple weeks.. I just checked to make sure.." you replied sniffling

"For?" He asks he pulls away stilling holding onto you
"A stomach bug or something, I couldn't stop throwing up.." you giggled, eye watery
"A stomach bug is fitting, hm?" He chuckles, pulling you back in for another hug. Rubbing your back and kissing your head.

"I-.. I'm happy..." he sniffles
"Me too.."

Soon after you shared the news with the Team, celebration happened. Girls trip with just the wife's and resisting children. Disney world and sight seeing. The husbands went out for a weekend of binge drinking and fishing/Golfing. Guy things.

The Task Force 141 Disbanded. Family. But Soldiers. Forever.

You now live in the hills of Summit Creek in Utah. Population: 300, "Safest City In Utah".

You both raise two more children. A Boy being firstborn, the roughest and yet kindest. Middle being a girl, being the kindest with the smallest switch. And the youngest (girl), oblivious but very observant.

After a year living in Utah, The rest of the Task Force moved in, filling the secluded hill with not just neighbors but family.

Death. (Children already grown up)

Simon died of lung cancer. You were too heart Broken, you died a week after. Soap died peacefully in his sleep. Price died from malnutrition.. from alcohol poisoning. König died from old age.


Your oldest became a Trauma Surgeon.
Middle became a Lawyer.
Youngest became a CSI Interrogator.

All three went to the military.

Oldest was a Medic/Nurse
Middle studied physiology
Youngest followed her parents footsteps, and was in active duty for 8 years, moved professions and Joined CSI.

Your children live together in the same house in Utah.


THANK YOU FOR READINGomgggggg! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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