Chapter 99 THE END

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Dear Baby Girl

I wanna start this letter off by saying I love you so much. I wouldn't change nothing in this world. You already know you mean the world to me and I'll do anything in this world to protect you and my baby girls. I know you may be left in the dark about some things. And I'm gonna try to clear them up as best as I can in this letter. In order to get the girls home I took a plea deal....the deal was to admit to the disappearance of you know....I'll do anything to protect y'all and they deserve to be home. Your an amazing woman, mother and wife! So I know you got this for life! This is my last strike I'm sorry baby! Just take care of baby girl for me. I love you so much Asia this time may be forever but our love will never die! Tell I'lan I'm sorry I had to leave her even though I said I would never leave again but with you I know she's safe forever. Tell Harmony that daddy will always love her and as long as she's got I'lan she's got me. And to my unborn son let him know his dad loves him and he was made from love. Everything I do is for you all. If I ever get the chance to come home or see you again I'll make it up to you. Asia forgive me for this but it was the only way I can get them home and your charge's dropped. If you ever chose to move on I won't be mad either. Doing time for life is a long ass time so I won't ask you to stick around but just know baby I love you so much.

              Love you forever Mrs. Mitchell
                             XOXOXOXO CARTER MITCHELL

I read aloud to myself as every single tear of mine hit the letter I was reading. Carter took a plea deal knowing he'd get life. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was about to die.
My whole heart was shattered!


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