Chapter 34

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Thank you for everything mom! Harmony smiled hard going up the stairs.

You welcome baby I'm glad you enjoyed our date. I smiled. Seeing her happy brought joy to my face. I really felt like my baby was going through it.
I owe her and I'lan a huge apology. She was on my mind heavy. My baby girl. I hope she doesn't hate me. I have so much love for her. I may have not birthed her but that was my daughter.

I checked my google home system as a knock was on the door. It was Carter with the baby. I had him come get him and watch him while I spent the day with my child. It's not like he spends any time with him anyways. It was no argument he came right over and got him. He didn't say anything to me and I didn't say anything to him.
I opened the door and he came in sitting the car seat on the kitchen island.

He ate and had a bath already. He said as he sat the diaper bag down. I nodded my head as I took the empty bottle out the diaper bag. My baby was sleeping so I wasn't gone wake him up just yet.

Uhhh is Harmony woke?

Why Carter?

I just wanted to talk to her...

No! She's getting ready for bed. You can leave now...

Asia I fucked up I know, you pissed with me please let me fix it with my kids first. I can't fix anything with you until I'm right with them. I owe Harmony the biggest apology.

My daughter doesn't even think you ever loved or liked her. She heard how you went over I'lan and said "she accepts the fact she'll never have a father" and I fuckin begged you not to get close to my baby cause all she ever wanted was a dad! You don't know what it's like to hear the cries and screams from your child after her heart has been broken by a man who was suppose to love her screaming out why"doesn't he love me, and why can't he accept the fact that she's his daughter!" It's like a knife stabbing you in the heart. No matter how much of a great parent you are your child still needs the other one. So no I will not let you any where near my child to get that chance to hurt her again. She had a great day and she's gonna end it with a great night.

But I am her father Asia! That's my baby! I may have not put her in you but damn that's my baby and I love her the same way I love I'lan. I took her father from her and I promised on everything I loved that I would always be there for her and take on that role as her father. If you just give me one more chance please! I'm begging you.

NO! Stay away from my child and that's final.

Ma can I have a snack? Harmony asked as she reached the bottom stairs.

Uhh yeah baby go ahead! I smiled.

Carter looked at me swiftly moved in front of the stairs to block Harmony from going up. I grabbed the kitchen knife, I will kill this nigga over my child!

Can I please just have 2 minutes of your time? He asked Harmony grabbing her arms to sit her on the stairs next to him. She just looked at him in complete sadness. "Harmony baby I'm sorry! You mean the world to me. I'll always be your dad as along as you allow me to. I messed up and did and said some hurtful things and I'm trying to right all my wrongs but I can't if you don't forgive me. I can't even forgive myself if you don't forgive me. I wanna make it right with you and I'll do whatever in this world it takes to make it right with you. I love you baby girl and I wanna be your dad. You, I'lan, CJ y'all complete me I need my kids. And if y'all not good I'm not good. What can I do to fix our relationship?!"

I forgive you Carter but I don't want a dad anymore! Mine is dead forever no need for a new one. Harmony said softly. She got up and walked back upstairs. Her words brought tears to my eyes. I know she was hurting really bad. I could see the hurt in Carters eyes as he just sat there in disbelief.

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